Friday, September 29, 2017


Yo GG/Commish,

My points total should be 30. You never corrected my Vikings pick from week 2.

Why do these errors only affect me? Why am I the only one speaking up? Could it be that other members are benefiting bigly from these "errors". I don't know but I've been told things....many things and let me tell you it's not good. Also GG=FAKENEWS. There I said it. It's all rigged. This survey monkey... turns out he's not even American or even a real monkey. Just some Russian website. Can you believe it! Heard it straight from the President himself so you know it's true.

Posted from the bunker at an undisclosed location

Good news on surgery front

Had my appointment with the Ortho surgeon yesterday.  After reviewing the MRI and Xrays on my right shoulder, and then putting me through some physical maneuvers, he feels there's a very good chance I won't need shoulder and rotator cuff surgery.  He feels the chances are 80% I won't need the surgery.

He is lining up physical therapy for me and then a revisit in 6 weeks for a re-evaluation.

He was quite impressed than I had torn the biceps muscle in my left shoulder back in 2014 and did not seek any medical treatment.  The movement and strength in my left arm is very strong, and he said for such a short time after rupturing the right biceps there is pretty good strength and movement in that shoulder also.

He gave me a steroids shot that should increase my driver by at least another 45 yards, and surprisingly, did not rule out golf for the remainder of the year.  I'm looking forward to 300-yard drives.   He recommends chipping & putting initially, graduating to some range practice, and let my pain or discomfort, if any, determine if I want to get on the course.  I am to play the ball "up" when in the rough.

Anyway, the prognosis looks promising provided I continue my extremely healthy lifestyle and avoid at all costs any aggravating contact (is there any other kind?) with my bratty sister.


Central Office Headed South (No Pun Intended)

The central office will be relocating to Fort Myers for the winter on Saturday. Astute members will get their picks in early to avoid communication problems.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week 4 Thursday Night Picks


Jude the Prude, you should be applying for sainthood for still taking much Midwest Muck from Omaha. You application will be just under Karen's for service above and beyond. Don't let him get in your head or near any other body parts for that matter. Judy for sainthood!

Guido Has Spoken, Week 3

1.  I have petitioned our beloved Commish to transfer all official league correspondence to Twitter. It is only right that we follow our beloved Leader and get with the times.

2. Jude the Prude shouldn't worry about Pats-Hater Omahahahahahahahahahaha, because he will defenestrate himself with his Super Bowl pick.

3. You Know Who You Are! Members are reminded that they should report any error in points accumulation (for or against them) in the Stats sheet, and any incorrect picks in the Picks Chart.

4. All is right in the world. Our esteemed and beloved Leader, The Commish, is in first place early in the year. Proving superior DNA, both of his sons, Peterborough and the 'Fro, are in second place only 2 points behind his Excellence! No member of importance is even close to them!

5. From First to Worst! Pops has learned a thing or two the past two weeks. After coming in first last week, and flirting with immortality, with and incredible 15-1 record, he came in last this week with a 6-10 clunker. Off course, his wasn't even close to The Ghost's epic futility of 3-12 last season, still to be compared to The Ghost is shameful enough.

6. Know The Rules! The Kink of the North should look up the rules about when to use nicknames and when to use real names in posts. He obviously hasn't gotten that far yet.

Our Great, Kind and Benevolent Leader, The Commish, told me (we are very close) that he wants to thank the many members who have welcomed him back from his recent heart surgery and that his cardiac surgeon is happy to report that he is making tons of money with all of these operations. I don't understand the Omahahahahahahahahahahs and Dinks of Deland for their efforts to frustrate, obfuscate and undermine the Blessed Leader.


Thank you for the grandeur explanation bro.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Much you don't understand

There is so much you don't understand, Sis, the scoring being just one of many.

Hint - For starters, quit picking the 49ers.

So much to do, so little time...



Is there something I don't understand about the point system?  Why is Omaha 3 points ahead of me? and does anyone care about the Huskers?  Maybe this is his MO, keep posting a lot of muck to distract the Commish?

Monday, September 25, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017

A rough week

Going top be a lot of unhappy players this week.  Upsets abound.


Week 3 Picks

Saturday, September 23, 2017

No Time?

Either Ryan had no time to pick or he felt he was so far ahead it wouldn't matter! No worries! Word has it the Commish is getting inside tips on games. Can't trace it because Guido is the front man. Looks like Bran is getting outside tips. Lindsey is still cheating and Kirk has been lucky. Diane is wondering when the season starts and Omaha, of course, is complaining. Ed is the new chairman of the grievance committee so don't bother grieving anything. Patrick has been appointed as math counsel to Guido.
Get your picks in early

Friday, September 22, 2017

Caution: Different Deadline Time this Sunday

Remember that there is a London game this week, so the Sunday deadline for that game is 8:30 for a 9:30 start. Missing that deadline will result in the Commish assigning the home team as the pick.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday Night Picks

Yellow backed picks were chosen by the Commish as per rules and regulations.

Bring back the Huskers

Nebraska has fired its Athletic Director, Shawn Eichorst.  The firing of Head Coach Mike Reilly is a certainty.

Now we need to bring back former Huskers Trev Albert as AD immediately and Scott Frost as HC for next season.  We will no doubt promote an interim HC from within to finish this season.

Now we can become relevant in college football again.



It's important to set a good example for these clowns fellow members.

Meanwhile Wayne's muttering something about hand grenades and horse shoes. Sounds dangerous.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The King is Acting...well...Kingly

The KIng of the North did indeed pick the Vikes over the Steelers. His points will be adjusted accordingly. This is the second time this season that Patrick has drawn attention to an error in his favor. Bravo Patrick.
Thought I had the Vikes.

CLOSE, you say?

Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Week Three Picks Chart

Here is the link for the new Picks Chart:

OOHHHH.........So Close!

Sean and Ryan can rest easy. They remain the only ones to have a perfect pick week as Pops's Giants showed up as midgets in their tussle with the Lions. Maybe if the Giants had been playing Nebraska they could have done better.

Week 2 Stats

Monday, September 18, 2017

Historic Happenings, Rules Reminders, Big Red Bungles

1. Historic Happenings (maybe). Ryan is oh so close to a perfect week! If the Giants win tonight, Ryan would be a perfect 16-0 for the week. This doesn't happen often. The only other perfect week was way back in 2012, when Sean/Ryan hit it big.

2. Rules Reminders. Members should be reminded that missing the deadline for making your picks results in the Commish assigning you the home team as your pick. This can happen twice before the SAC is brought in for sanctioning of the member.

3. Big Red Bungles. Northern Illinois State? Nebraska paid them $820,000 to go to Lincoln and get blown out by the Huskers. Northern Illinois State took the money and then spanked Nebraska. Yikes,


Looks like Ryan is running the table so far this week! When did his picks come in? This morning! On another note Omaha needs one of those chill pills. Section 1 Article 1 of the league by-laws clearly states that each owner's lifestyle choices are immune to any and all punishment for such choices. However, Jude the Pride what the hell are you doing visiting such s questionable environment? BTW, Guido inhabited the same area for many years before relocating to southwest Florida.
I would post the Patriot injury list but there is not enough room on the blog.

Best to all,

Sunday, September 17, 2017

What's the matter with you people?

What the hell is the matter with you vermin disgusting dolts people? The season has hardly started and already there are accusations of cheating, demands for investigations, thinly veiled accusations of financial fraud and the usual bitter animosity toward each other! Really it is enough to make me sick.

1. Omahahahahaha is the only one who wants to see the league finances and he never wanted to see them before he began paying his dues. It has been fully explained to him that all the financial information is in Fort Myers so new data cannot be published until the Commish returns there. Yet he continues to spout off.

2. There is absolutely no proof that Lindsey has cheated. She had a very good first week and that is enough for the Dink of Deland to accuse her. He needs to apologize now.

3. Jude the Prude has been completely exonerated from any professional gambling charges. And, in a completely unrelated fact, her continued support for the Commish is greatly appreciated.

4. Omaha should spend more time worrying about his Grande Rouge football team than who is doing what to whom in his feverish mind. Nebraska seems particularly weak this year. Good grief, Northern Illinois State???

5. I have petitioned the Commish to be the author of the weekly observations. This motley group needs discipline, and no one can bring order better than GG!

Week 2 Picks

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Get serious!

oh PLEASE!  We aren't going to listen to this again this entire football season are we?  It's starting to bore me...

We need an investigation!

We need an investigation - right now!

I have it from a reliable source that Jude the Prude's post below was posted from the Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut.

Her addiction to gambling must be investigated to determine if she is receiving extra benefits, such as but not limited to, free room, tickets to entertainment, food and other freebees normally accorded to professionals to entice them to come and spend money at gambling establishments.

This is a very serious matter and must not be ignored if we are to clean up the riffraff that has invaded our previously wholesome establishment.



I tried to tell all of you this last year when I was ridiculously accused of being a professional gambler.  I think he is delusional.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Week 2 Thursday Night Picks

Step in

  You must step in and take appropriate action. Omaha's absurd implications are totally unprecedented as well great fictional reading. The man has not only lost his golf swing but it appears his appeal for common sense has also vanished! What is next, Karen picking for him! Not a bad thought as his place in the standings might rise! Somebody check his diet! Maybe he needs gluten-free everything!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Show me da money

Why are the league finances incomplete?

Was the year 2016 wiped off the books?

I demand an audit.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

2 Observations after week 1

1. Omaha is still the king of talking gobble-de-gook. What the hell was he saying about playoffs when we are in week1 Too much geritol!
2. Lindsey cheats.

Best to all,
9pts, commish. Not 10. Thanks though.

Week 2 Picks Chart

For those who share a link or who submit separate Thursday night and weekly picks, go to this link:

Create your survey with SurveyMonkey

Where has Omaha been?

Many members have been wondering what has happened to Omaha since his ignominious loss in the SuperBowl. Well, now we know. He has been throwing himself into the Playoff Rules, as if a tweaking of them would reclaim his lost title somehow.

While ostensibly he is complaining (again) about some bizarre minutia about playoff rules, his real target, as it is all the time, is our beloved Commish. If Omaha had put the same amount of attention and energy into his picks, he would not be reduced to crying about the rules.

Omaha didn't lose because of the rules. Omaha lost because of his sorry picks. It is easy to attack the Commish for every little thing, difficult to accept defeat with class.

It has been suspected that Omaha was behind the brutal attack on the Commish as he was recuperating from a cardiac ablation last summer. Now this summer, when the Commish has just been released from the hospital with anemia and exhaustion (from work on the League, no doubt), Omaha chooses to attack once again.

I am going to suggest a question on the Superbowl list to replace the take-away/turnover count. It will be a true/false which only Omaha will get wrong.

"Is Omaha a jerk."

Week 1 Stats

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Never to early to nail the Commish

I don't know why I always have to clean up after the Commish.  But somebody has to.

Go Zone members  - please refer to the Playoff Rules, specifically scoring.

I quote:  "Item f - Most turnovers on offense (a defensive turnover is called a takeaway.)"  Huh???

Now...what the hell does that mean?

If a defense is returning a punt and fumbles the ball away to the kicking team, is that a turnover?  Or, is it a takeaway?

Or more to the point, who the hell cares?

Here's how official scoring views it:

Mike's team throws a pass, my team intercepts.   In team statistics, that is a turnover for Mike's team and a takeaway for my team.  If, while returning the interception my team fumbles the ball back to Mike's team, now both teams have a turnover, and both teams have a takeaway.

Mikes team (whether on offense or on defense, fumbles the ball, and my team recovers it.  That is a turnover for Mike's team, and a takeaway for my team.  Now, while returning the fumble, if my team fumbles the ball back to Mike's team, we both have a turnover and we both have a takeaway.

To reduce this to even simpler terms that even our esteemed Commish might (emphasis on might)comprehend, an interception is always a turnover, and a lost fumble is always a turnover.

So, how about removing all the confusion and unnecessary garbage and simple change item "f" to read:

f.  Team committing most turnovers.

Lemme know if you need any more help, Commish.


Week 1 Picks

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Omaha's Eloquence

Omaha has really upped his  eloquence with his latest post.  One can only hope that he can sustain such lofty efforts.

By the way, The Prude wants to remind everyone that she too earned the "I beat Omaha" t-shirt given out by Guido Gonzales.

Also, members who were at Uncanoonic this year are asked to share their images or videos by publishing themselves on the blog or by sending them to the Commish.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017


I'm back.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Week 1 Picks Chart

It is that time of year again, and the GoZone is ready. The Commish is out of the hospital with anemia, and, fueled by 4 transfusions of blood, is feeling strong and sure.

Remember to get your picks in an hour before the Thursday game, and an hour before the Sunday game if you are splitting your picks, (or "bets" as The Prude likes to call them).

Also, remember to send me any updates to pics for the pics chart. One of them must be a head and shoulders shot.

Welcome to the GoZone, Lindsey Beausoleil!

Get ready...Go!

For those who share a link or who submit separate Thursday night and weekly picks, go to this link:

Create your survey with SurveyMonkey