Monday, September 5, 2016

This is an outrage!

Holy Cow!  Are you all right, Commish?  No one, no matter how despicable, should be subjected to such a dastardly attack, even if justified.

BTW way, I have reason to believe someone has hacked into the Go Zone and is making posts under member user names. 

Reviewing the blog, I see some imposter made a post under my user name on July 18.  Thankfully, he didn't tie me into the unwarranted and possibly criminal attack on our esteemed Commish the day prior, on August 17.

Are there sufficient funds in our account to hire a body guard?  This, of course, is dependent upon the Senior Council actually approved such a ridiculous request.

Incidentally, are you displaying any PTS symptoms?   I mean, um... more than usual, er..., more other than nor...., uh....nevermind.
