Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Observations Week 2

1. The Commish has forged ahead by one point over The Boss and The Ghost. It is still early yet, but he attributes his early success to clean living, his incredible drive for success and his need to smite all his enemies and bring them a slow and painful end. Jude the Prude, Deland and Cali all have 22 points, and Omaha, Granby. the King of the North, and newby Rolls all have 21.

2. Stumbling out of the block are Nashua and Sanford, both scratching out 18 points.

3. Last year's eventual regular season champion, Luke, has 19 total points as opposed to last year when he had 25 points and a three point lead on Jo. He averaged 10 points a week for the entire season.

4. Picks of the Week go to Cali for picking the Rams over the Seahawks, Kirk for picking the Falcons over the Raiders and Judy for picking the Vikings over Green Bay. Each of them was the only winner for that game. A Reverse Pick of the Week, the only person to get a wrong pick, goes to Diane for picking the Rams over the Panthers.

5. It will be a test of character this Thursday. We will see who the real Pats fans are and who the Patriot Haters are. Brace yourselves. Rumor has it that some surprising people will jump ship, and for strategies sake, pick the Texans, in spite of the Commish's powers to thwart them.


IT Director Guido Gonzales has petitioned the SAC to shut down the Picks Chart internet access at 12:00 on Sunday, an hour before the first game. The SAC unanimously approved the measure, and it will start this Sunday.