Friday, September 30, 2016

Commish Trumps his credibility

According to Item 5 of the Commish's recent post, he now adds prognosticator to his no-talent list.

Week 3 Observations

1. It was a bad week for the league. Points were hard to come by, as the average points for the league dropped by 2 from week 1. 8.5 from 10.5.  Five teams who were heavily favored fell, thus leading the way for overall lower scores. The Kink of the North went the furthest south with a 5-11 effort. While he lost quite a few home favorites, he also lost on a few upset bids by visiting teams.

2. Picking against the Pats. As previously noted, three members chose to sacrifice points in order to appease their hatred of the Pats. So be it. Haters have to bottom out before they can be helped.

3. Pick of the week. POW goes to Rolls, who picked the Vikings over the Panthers. She also gets the Reverse Pick of the Week (RPOW) for picking the 49ers over the Seahawks. Other RPOW losers are Peterborough for picking the Bears over the Cowboys and Windsor Locks for the Browns over the Dolphins.

4. Instability abounds. There seems to be a changing of the guards happening with last years playoff teams. The Panthers look shaky even while winning and the Cardinals seem to be a mess as well. The Seahawks have been unimpressive and their quarterback is hurting.

5. Teams to Avoid. No trust in the Bears or the Saints is rewarded this year, while the Vikings and Eagles look strong, the Raiders may be on the cusp of winning often.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dear Dink

Dear Dink,

The Go Zone IT Director Guido Gonzales has commenced an investigation into your outrageous claim of picking the Broncos during week 3. You will be informed when the investigation is complete, although GG is known his lengthly investigations.

On another more concilatory note, Perhaps you don't want to be associated with a heinous mass murderer and the devil. Your picks are proof enough of their influence.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I had the Broncos.

Das Fuhrer

Prince of Darkness

Week 4 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 3 Stats

Week 3 Final Results

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

Nice Try Omahahaha

I asked my IT Director Guido Gonzales to look into Omahahaha's charge, and though he has to be visibly constrained whenever Omahahaha's name is uttered, he did a complete review and found no skulduggery involved in your picks. Also, that hacking was started in 2014 so that would explain your poor picks since then, but alas no connection can be established.

The Treasonous Three

Well, it didn't take long for three members to unleash their Patriot hating ways. Omahahaha, The Dink of the North and Big Tird all abandoned the Patriots early in the process. Call it what you will, cowardice, lack of character, stupidity, it seems to affect some members every year. They say they aren't Patriot Haters, but, as Aristotle put it so well, "Man is judged by his actions, not his intentions." And the offending action here is the picking of the Texans over the Pats. Were they impressed with the Texan's record? Perhaps. Their stars on defense? Most assuredly. The lack of experience of the Patriots quarterback? Whatever the reason, they abandoned the cardinal reason for the existence of the Go Zone Football League: To support and praise the New England Patriot Football team.

Let's look at the offensive and offending three.

First and foremost, Omahahaha. This is not the first time Omahahaha jumped ship on the Patriots, and I fear it will not be the last. He has thrown away points in previous seasons, and then has the temerity to complain about losing the championship by "only one point." Well, he then continues to throw points away on losing Patriot hating picks. so we will admit no such laments the rest of this season. Omahahaha, or as Deland calls him, Midwest Muck, has shown his true yellow color and he deserves what he gets.

Then there is the Dink of the North. The Dink is an interesting combination of ludicrous logic, over-reaching ambition and malodorous poopery. He poses as an intellectual, scholarly handicapper who bases his picks on superior knowledge, precise logic and winning know how, but he slobbers all over himself the first chance come to dump the Pats. His Patriot hating loses him points every year and he seems oblivious to how that happened. If he could only let go of his blatant anti-Pats bias, he might be accepted in polite society once again.

And last but not least, is Big Tird. This one really hurts, for I have been counseling him on the proper way to be a member and good standing in the league, and what is his thanks? To throw in with Omahahaha and The Dink of the North. This is a forgiving league, and many new members have had a misstep or two before they saw the light and settled into being a respected member of the league. But treachery is heinous and traitors cannot be trusted. We will be watching closely to see if he becomes a friend to the league, or if he remains a foe.

So, we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. The Bills are coming to town! They are really due! I can only imagine which one soils himself to be the first to pick them.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

I've been hacked

Today's big news is that Yahoo has been hacked, gaining access to hundreds of millions of Yahoo customer accounts.

That explains my Pats pick being reversed.  I trust our esteemed Commissioner will instruct his IT department to correct this grievous error.

Week 3 Thursday Night Picks

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Observations Week 2

1. The Commish has forged ahead by one point over The Boss and The Ghost. It is still early yet, but he attributes his early success to clean living, his incredible drive for success and his need to smite all his enemies and bring them a slow and painful end. Jude the Prude, Deland and Cali all have 22 points, and Omaha, Granby. the King of the North, and newby Rolls all have 21.

2. Stumbling out of the block are Nashua and Sanford, both scratching out 18 points.

3. Last year's eventual regular season champion, Luke, has 19 total points as opposed to last year when he had 25 points and a three point lead on Jo. He averaged 10 points a week for the entire season.

4. Picks of the Week go to Cali for picking the Rams over the Seahawks, Kirk for picking the Falcons over the Raiders and Judy for picking the Vikings over Green Bay. Each of them was the only winner for that game. A Reverse Pick of the Week, the only person to get a wrong pick, goes to Diane for picking the Rams over the Panthers.

5. It will be a test of character this Thursday. We will see who the real Pats fans are and who the Patriot Haters are. Brace yourselves. Rumor has it that some surprising people will jump ship, and for strategies sake, pick the Texans, in spite of the Commish's powers to thwart them.


IT Director Guido Gonzales has petitioned the SAC to shut down the Picks Chart internet access at 12:00 on Sunday, an hour before the first game. The SAC unanimously approved the measure, and it will start this Sunday.

Week 3 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 2 Stats

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday Night Picks

The commissioner wants to remind members that he will be busy Sunday morning and afternoon, so if you want your picks to show on the picks chart, you need to get them in by Saturday night.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Observations from the Commish Week 1

1. Brothers Ed and Kevin took the lead with 13 points each. They both picked the Pats. If Patrick had picked the Pats, he would be tied with them. But he didn't. Brandy, Mike, Patrick and Karen all tied for second with 12 points. Brandy, Mike and Karen picked the Pats. Jo was close by with 11 points. She picked the Pats. If Wayne had picked the Pats, he would have tied Jo, but he didn't.

2. Karen, Diane and Amy all picked both Monday night winners.

3. Last year's co-winners, Luke and Jo, had 10 and 11 points respectively.

4. Because the large number of members this year, the league office and IT Director Guido Gonzales decided to break the member results into two sections. The Results section will feature the wins and losses for each member and the week's record. The Stats section will contain accumulative statistics for each league member.

5. The league average was 10.5 points. The league median was 10. If Amy and Ryan had picked the Pats, they would have reached the league median. But they didn't. Nick could have risen above the league average if he had picked the Pats. But he didn't.

6. Karen had the pick of the week, picking the Broncos over the Panthers. Unfortunately, she followed that with 5 straight losses. Sean attempted a coup, being the only member to pick the Chargers over the Chiefs. Unfortunately, the Chargers collapsed in the second half, as did Sean's purpose in life. He limped home at 7-9. Amy had a chance for a huge upset when her Dolphins lost to the Seahawks by only 2 points.

Week 2 Alternative Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Week 2 Picks Chart

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 1 Stats

Week 1 Results

Monday, September 12, 2016


Fact check, please

Hey Commish, would you please check my picks for the Giants-Cowboys game?

Not positive, but thought I picked the Giants.


Cliff's Note Version, Please

Can someone please give me a short & quick version of the Commish's War & Peace post?

I have neither the time nor the interest in reading yet another of the Commish's diatribes.

Just the high points...oops, sorry...high points and Commish's posts - silly me, that would be an oxymoron.



Betrayers, Traitors and Malcontents Abandon the Pats

The first week of the Go Zone football league was marred by the betrayal of 6 members who picked against the Patriots. Perhaps it should be stated that originally the name of the league was the New England Patriots Go Zone Football league, but legalities made us shorten it just the Go Zone Football League. It has always been a league that revered the Patriots and all they stand for. I have protected that heritage, but some members, in a victory of betrayal over trust, chose to throw away points because some corrupt sodomites in Los Vegas predicted a loss for them. The weaker members saw this as a quick way to jump ahead in the league and proudly abandoned tradition, loyalty and good sense.

I have always tried to use subtle  admonition to remind members of their duty, but obviously that isn’t getting through to the most hard-headed members. The Commish has been deluged by members calling for the official condemnation of these rouge members. 

Let us look at the scurrilous suspects.  First, Omaha. This is a sad case. Omaha knows better than to forsake the Pats, yet he feels compelled to throw points away. Perhaps the disfigurement of his hand, or just his left-handedness in general, has culminated in his turning his back on normal people. Who knows. It is simply sad how far he has fallen. Despicable.

Then there is the Dink King of the North. His dinky kingly actions seem to stop at the league’s door. In his arrogance and hubris,  he flaunts his disrespect for the league, for his fellow members and for himself. I take this one personally. I was the first one to get him drunk and to allow him to experience the mysteries of a hangover. I watched him with pride as he attempted to get up from the table, then use the counter hand over hand to get to the bathroom. Good times! And now this.

Then there is Sanford. This one hurts. I have always treated him as the nephew I never had. His career demands attention to detail, loyalty and good judgment. Too bad he can’t bring all that to the league. Instead, he slouches away to Gomorrah, loyal only to the money lenders in the temple.

And finally we have the Royces. As newbies to the league, I would not think they would flaunt the rules and regulations, which I know they read and understood because I have affidavits stating as much from each of them. Yet, here they are in week one, picking against the Patriots, thumbing their noses at our great league and throwing away points on a vain attempt to steal them.

Perhaps they, and all league members, should be reminded of Section V, provision 2 of the Rules, Regulations and By-laws of the League:

"The Commissioner can suspend one to three points for any member who picked against the Pats prior to the playoffs."

We now know that the Scurrilous Six are Patriot haters. But there is hope. Last year, Big Red picked against the Patriots four times and she ended up four points behind the leaders and eventual winners. This week she picked the Pats. Welcome back Big Red!

And finally, a note on betrayal. Throughout history, betrayers have been singled out as the worst of the worst. No one is more reviled in the Bible than Judas for his selling of Jesus for pieces of gold. In The inferno, Dante reserved the lowest rung of hell for those who betray—below murderers, thieves and perverts.

I wish to look on the bright side, instead of staring into the abyss of the Scurrilous Six.  I prefer to recognize the 12 league members who stood by the Pats, who proudly displayed their loyalty in the face of overwhelming odds. Now is not the time for the faint of heart or the sunshine Patriot fan. To be a Patriot fan is to welcome the odds against us, to seek out the strongest teams and to leave the NFL mired in their disbelief slowly turning into pillars of salt.

Treasonable Acts

The confessional is now open for all who despicably had a "feint of heart" moment and chose the Cardinals. It will take a few Hail Marys!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week 1 Picks, 2016

It is incumbent upon each member to check to make sure that the picks are correct. If not, contact the main office and we will check your picks chart.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Be Alert, Judy

Hmmmm, a typical (and arrogant, I might add) response from the Commish.

Be vewy, vewy careful Sis, the Commish is not the innocent rube he seems to be.  A rube, yes, but innocent...not likely.

Not to be trusted...


The Commish Explains

The Commissioner of the Go Zone Football League responded to a question put to him by Omaha: How does Jude the Prude get into the league so quickly when his application was held up for over a year?

The Commish's answer was simple. He likes Judy.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How come Judy get special treatment???

I see Judy got into the Go Zone and successfully made her picks for this week on her very first try.

What gives?

How is it that Judy managed to escape a 2-year blockade/runaround trying to get into this site like I did?

How does our esteemed Commish explain this this?!? 


Blog Respondants

So far, Guido reports the following members have responded to the Week 1 Picks Chart:

Amy, Karen, Peg, Nick, Ryan, Jo, Kevin, Wayne and Judy, in that order.

Did you receive my survey results?

I made my picks for this week's game, did you receive them?  Just checking...

Monday, September 5, 2016

Omaha Running for Office?

Omaha is apparently running for office, based on his lame excuse of someone hacking his account. Of course, he may have a point. Omaha usually needs the IT staff to sign into his account every September. IT Director Guido Gonzales says he spends more time trying to get Omaha to memorize his passwords than he does processing the picks charts.

The Commish's sons, 'Fro and Peterborough, have rallied to his side and are currently plotting discussing how best to react to the fulsome and noxious attack on their beloved father.

"This will not end here," the 'Fro said through clenched teeth. "When I drive him to the league winter office in Fort Myers, we may have to detour through Nebraska." Peterborough added, "Whatever."

This is an outrage!

Holy Cow!  Are you all right, Commish?  No one, no matter how despicable, should be subjected to such a dastardly attack, even if justified.

BTW way, I have reason to believe someone has hacked into the Go Zone and is making posts under member user names. 

Reviewing the blog, I see some imposter made a post under my user name on July 18.  Thankfully, he didn't tie me into the unwarranted and possibly criminal attack on our esteemed Commish the day prior, on August 17.

Are there sufficient funds in our account to hire a body guard?  This, of course, is dependent upon the Senior Council actually approved such a ridiculous request.

Incidentally, are you displaying any PTS symptoms?   I mean, um... more than usual, er..., more other than nor...., uh....nevermind.


Commish Attacked

(AP) Nashua, NH The Commissioner of the Go Zone Football League was attacked at his desk on Aug 17. According to a league spokesman, the Commish was at his desk despite doctor's warnings to stay in bed as he recuperated from heart surgery.

The spokesman added that the Commish was taking a nap at his desk when a red-faced, white-haired villain broke the door to his office and proceed to "shake and smack the commish around quite a bit." IT Director Guido Gonzales said he heard someone shouting "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up ya slop, football season is around the corner and there's work to be done!"

Gonzales said the Commish was too dazed to recognize the degenerate who did this, and by the time he got to the Commish's office, "the vile scum was gone." However, Gonzales said he thought he recognized the voice. "It sounded a lot like the mumbling wreck of humanity Omaha. I can't be sure, but he is low enough to attack a sick man trying to recuperate from a life threatening operation."

Police said they had no clues mainly because Gonzales has also accused the Duke of Deland, the Ghost, the King of the North and Cali of having plenty of motive for injuring his boss. "They hate him and would do anything to destroy him," Gonzales concluded.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Week 1 Alternative Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar: 

Week 1 Picks Chart

Create your own user feedback survey

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sample Picks Chart for 2016

The IT Department, headed by Guido Gonzalez (AKA Guido Gomez, George Gentry) has produced a sample picks chart for the 2016 season. Please fill it out and click on DONE to complete the survey.

Create your own user feedback survey