Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Back to the 2014 Go Zone Football League

Are you ready?

1. The Commissioner and the Senior Advisory Council (SAC) met three times this summer to discuss the health of the league. While everyone agrees that it would do the league a world of good of someone besides Kevin won the Millie and Chappie awards, competition remains strong, with Kevin edging out Marc by only 2 points last year.

2. The Commissioner delivered the annual financial report to the SAC and was complimented on his fine stewardship of the league. He was also commended for the improved accuracy of picks integrity and the timely manner in which the picks were reported. His innovations of use of the website SurveyMonkey was also noted.

3. The SAC nominated and voted unanimously for another year's term for the commissioner, and officially named him "President for Life." After a short speech, the Commissioner bought another round for the council members.

4. Improvements are anticipated, but may be delayed due to the Commissioners unavoidable stay in Peterborough. It seems he fell victim to a motorcycle accident on August 10, but his injuries did not manifest themselves until later that week. He was diagnosed on the following Saturday morning at the local emergency ward with a bruised lung and prescribed various pain killers. On the next Saturday morning, the Commissioner drove himself to the same emergency ward at 3:30 am complaining of chest pains and the inability to breathe. His blood pressure being 60/40 and his kidneys being non-functional, he was sent by ambulance to the Catholic Medical Center's Critical Care Unit in Manchester. There he was poked, prodded and declared the victim of dehydration and pneumonia, although he had neither coughing nor fever. After a few days in the CCU, he was removed to a ward room, where a day later he was released. Unfortunately, three days after his release, he developed the coughing and fever aspects of the disease and is currently recuperating at his son Luke's house in Peterborough. While his fever is under control, his legs have swollen up to the size of a baby elephant's, so another doctor's visit is in his immediate future. He is currently scheduled to fly to Fort Myers on September 10, but may have to postpone the flight home once more.