Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Observations from the Commish, or In Search of the Yahoo Browser

1. Winning team bets seem to have improved this week after the first two weeks of the season. Week 1's average wins was 9.7 and the mean was 10. Week 2, 9.6 and 10. But this week's average wins was 10.7 and the mean was 11. We'll see where they go from here.

2. Omaha called out IT department complaining of how difficult it is to get on the Go Zone site. According to him, he attempts to sign on and gets a message his information is incorrect. Then he quits the page, reboots the page, and Blogger says he is signed in. Because of this he has requested that another blog site be used, not only for the sign-in problem, but also because Google is deceitful and tries to make itself your permanent browser. He suggests using his browser, Yahoo, as exemplary in its blog offerings and stability. After searching unsuccessfully for the Yahoo browser, the IT department sampled five different blog sites, oncluding Yahoo's, which is called "groups." The IT department found each blogger host to have problems, mostly with images. One site limited images to 300 x 300 pixels (too small for the picks charts), three others could not load any image without explanation, and a few had advertisements on the front page which limited the use of images. All in all, the IT department felt that we should stay with Blogger for the time being. Anyone having problems signing in or posting, please let the IT department know. And anyone who has seen the Yahoo browser call us immediately so we can begin to evaluate that platform.

3. The Commish is back, and what better way than to score 13 points for the week! Sons/nephews/cousins Marc and Luc and nephew/son/cousin Sean and brother/uncle/father/cousin Ed were right behind him at 12 points. The ghost continues to lead the overall points picture with 35 points, followed by King of the North, Deland (formerly Naples), Sanford and the Commish with 33. Wayne, Karen and Luke have 30 points. Granby, Windsor Locks and the 'Fro have 29 points and B-Ry has 25.

4. Speaking of B-Ry, they were the first to complete the picks chart this week and did so in an amazing 42 seconds! Unfortunately this is not the record time, for Omaha completed one last season in 19 seconds, but we assume he was upset and angry at the time.

5. The Commish wants to thank all those who send cards, said prayers, wrote letters, posted posts and paused momentarily to ponder the fragility of life on his behalf. He is indeed feeling much better, but has no stamina whatsoever. His doctor said that would come back slowly, that he was very sick and it will take time. He also asked the Commish not to fly for two weeks after "the operation." which confused him a little until he referred to the removal of the liquid from the Commish's lungs. At any rate, he plans on relocating the office to its winter location in Florida on Oct 3.

6. The King of the North called and informed the Commish that Deland (formerly Naples) was short-changed by 2 points in last week's stats. Kudos to the hyper-competitive King to bring this to the Commish's attention. He had the error corrected, but not before a stern lecture to the Stats department.