Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Stupid blog

When I log in, this stupid blog tells me my login failed, and gives me a failure code (something like Uegz6M4 or some other series of letters/numbers) to report when reporting this login failure.

Then, I have no options to login again, log out, or any other usable option.  So finally in frustration, I "X" out.

I then call up the Go Zone site again, and it recognizes me as already logged in.  (This should be obvious, since I'm posting this message.)

However, it will not give me the survey form to make my picks.  It  just shows a Thank You form for Karen taking the survey.  Consequently, I'm tired of fighting this thing, so here are my picks:

Thursday - Seattle over Green Bay

Sunday - Saints over Falcons
Vikes over Rams
Steelers over Browns
Philly over J-Ville
Jets over Raiders
Baltimore over Cincy
Bears over Bills
Washington over Houston
KC over Tennessee
Carolina over Tampa Bay
49ers over Cowboys
Denver over Indy

And on Monday:

Detroit over Giants
Zona over San Diego