Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 4 Observations

1. While the Ghost is still leading the league, Sanford is creeping steadily up towards the top. Ed has 42 points and Sean 41. The O'Leary boys are also represented by the Commish and Deland, both with 40. The King slipped a bit to 39, but Luke joined Wayne and Karen with 37. Granby and Windsor Locks share a 35 score with Marc. B-Ry and the Boss are tied with 30.

2. It was carnage, I tell you. Carnage. League members were bitten by the Steelers losing to the Bucs, the Vikings taking the Falcons, and the Chiefs pummeling our Pats, The last four games of the week proved the downfall of many, but none so bad as The King and the Commish, who went 0-4.

3. As the Commish gets ready to move the league office to its winter location, he is hoping for a smooth transition. He flies down Friday, carefully planned to leave him Saturday and Sunday morning to complete the picks chart. Of course, he will be opening up the Fort Myers office and getting supplies, so it might be a busy few days, considering he is only about 60% at full capacity.

4. Picks of the Week. The picks of the week go to Sean/Kyle and the Commish, who both chose the pack to win over da Bears. Second string picks of the week go to B-Ry, the Commish and Marc for picking the Giants over Washington on Thursday night. Runner up picks of the week go to Kirk, Diane, Jo and B-Ry for picking the 'Boys over the Saints.

5. Something in the Water? It must be for living together for so long, but Omaha and Big Red had identical scores, with identical picks for identical overall scores of 37. Every one of their losses this week were by underdog upsets.