Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 4 Observations

1. While the Ghost is still leading the league, Sanford is creeping steadily up towards the top. Ed has 42 points and Sean 41. The O'Leary boys are also represented by the Commish and Deland, both with 40. The King slipped a bit to 39, but Luke joined Wayne and Karen with 37. Granby and Windsor Locks share a 35 score with Marc. B-Ry and the Boss are tied with 30.

2. It was carnage, I tell you. Carnage. League members were bitten by the Steelers losing to the Bucs, the Vikings taking the Falcons, and the Chiefs pummeling our Pats, The last four games of the week proved the downfall of many, but none so bad as The King and the Commish, who went 0-4.

3. As the Commish gets ready to move the league office to its winter location, he is hoping for a smooth transition. He flies down Friday, carefully planned to leave him Saturday and Sunday morning to complete the picks chart. Of course, he will be opening up the Fort Myers office and getting supplies, so it might be a busy few days, considering he is only about 60% at full capacity.

4. Picks of the Week. The picks of the week go to Sean/Kyle and the Commish, who both chose the pack to win over da Bears. Second string picks of the week go to B-Ry, the Commish and Marc for picking the Giants over Washington on Thursday night. Runner up picks of the week go to Kirk, Diane, Jo and B-Ry for picking the 'Boys over the Saints.

5. Something in the Water? It must be for living together for so long, but Omaha and Big Red had identical scores, with identical picks for identical overall scores of 37. Every one of their losses this week were by underdog upsets.

Week 5 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

New Title

It is with pleasure that I announce to you the member of the league with the newest title...

Bran/Ryan is no longer the "biggest loser".  We are now "tied for the biggest loser".  Ryan would like to thank his Grandma and especially his mother who helped get him to where he is today.  Such a great day for Sanford!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Week 4 Thursday Night Picks

Some Comment and Posting Etiquette

The Omaha dilemma. Gronk drops a pass so let's throw the football away. Everyone trade in your phones and get what Omaha has. Also, thanks to the chump of the north for catching yet another error by the commish. Don Buddin didn't make this many errors. 
Deland (formerly Naples)

This is a comment from Deland, which would have been better served as a posting, as all postings are presented in the top of the Go Zone and comments are directly specifically at the writer of the attached posting. As Deland was not addressing the picks chart, a posting would be more appropriate.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Observations from the Commish, or In Search of the Yahoo Browser

1. Winning team bets seem to have improved this week after the first two weeks of the season. Week 1's average wins was 9.7 and the mean was 10. Week 2, 9.6 and 10. But this week's average wins was 10.7 and the mean was 11. We'll see where they go from here.

2. Omaha called out IT department complaining of how difficult it is to get on the Go Zone site. According to him, he attempts to sign on and gets a message his information is incorrect. Then he quits the page, reboots the page, and Blogger says he is signed in. Because of this he has requested that another blog site be used, not only for the sign-in problem, but also because Google is deceitful and tries to make itself your permanent browser. He suggests using his browser, Yahoo, as exemplary in its blog offerings and stability. After searching unsuccessfully for the Yahoo browser, the IT department sampled five different blog sites, oncluding Yahoo's, which is called "groups." The IT department found each blogger host to have problems, mostly with images. One site limited images to 300 x 300 pixels (too small for the picks charts), three others could not load any image without explanation, and a few had advertisements on the front page which limited the use of images. All in all, the IT department felt that we should stay with Blogger for the time being. Anyone having problems signing in or posting, please let the IT department know. And anyone who has seen the Yahoo browser call us immediately so we can begin to evaluate that platform.

3. The Commish is back, and what better way than to score 13 points for the week! Sons/nephews/cousins Marc and Luc and nephew/son/cousin Sean and brother/uncle/father/cousin Ed were right behind him at 12 points. The ghost continues to lead the overall points picture with 35 points, followed by King of the North, Deland (formerly Naples), Sanford and the Commish with 33. Wayne, Karen and Luke have 30 points. Granby, Windsor Locks and the 'Fro have 29 points and B-Ry has 25.

4. Speaking of B-Ry, they were the first to complete the picks chart this week and did so in an amazing 42 seconds! Unfortunately this is not the record time, for Omaha completed one last season in 19 seconds, but we assume he was upset and angry at the time.

5. The Commish wants to thank all those who send cards, said prayers, wrote letters, posted posts and paused momentarily to ponder the fragility of life on his behalf. He is indeed feeling much better, but has no stamina whatsoever. His doctor said that would come back slowly, that he was very sick and it will take time. He also asked the Commish not to fly for two weeks after "the operation." which confused him a little until he referred to the removal of the liquid from the Commish's lungs. At any rate, he plans on relocating the office to its winter location in Florida on Oct 3.

6. The King of the North called and informed the Commish that Deland (formerly Naples) was short-changed by 2 points in last week's stats. Kudos to the hyper-competitive King to bring this to the Commish's attention. He had the error corrected, but not before a stern lecture to the Stats department.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 4 Picks Chart

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 3 Stats

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week 3 Picks Chart

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 2, 2014 Stats

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I am very happy for the Commish getting the proper medical attention and working towards getting better . But in the future could we please refrain from using the work PUS in future post . Its just a  word that the blueberry picker from Ct. finds very disturbing .
Go Pats !!!!
Hope everyone is having a happy healthy safe weekend

2014 Week 2 Picks

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Little Background for Big Red

Big Red, you were not born a New Englander, and therefore a lifetime Patriots fan, but you married one, so close enough. The following essay, with apologies to Thomas Paine, might give you insight on how we True Blue Patriots fans feel when someone in the league, someone who should know better, picks against them.

THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine Patriot fan will, in this league, shrink from the service of their Patriots; but he that stands by the Pats now, deserves the love and thanks of mankind. 
Betrayal, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as Loyalty should not be highly rated.
Yet the Betrayers seek out any mildly competent team to champion over our Pats. What have the Falcons done to enamor them so? Losing to the Dolphins? Choking at the end of games? Over depending on the pass? Winning one playoff game in the past 10 years? But somehow, the Patriot-Haters embrace its mediocrity, and doing so, become mediocre themselves. Eager for points, slaves to wins, they forsake their souls for a cheap and illusory reward. 
But no great deal is lost yet. All that the Broncos have been doing for this month past is rather a ravage than a conquest, which the spirit of the Patriots, a year ago, would have quickly repulsed, and which time and a little resolution will soon recover. 
The present season is worth an age, if rightly employed; but, if lost or neglected, the whole league will partake of the evil; and there is no punishment that man does not deserve that may be the means of sacrificing a pick so precious and useful. 
I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a team, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of loss, by every decent method which wisdom could invent. 
Neither have I so much of the infidel in me, as to suppose that He has relinquished the justice of the world, and given us up to the care of devils; and as I do not, I cannot see on what grounds the Patriots-Haters can look up to heaven for help against us: a common murderer, a highwayman, or a house-breaker, has as good a pretense as he. 
'Tis surprising to see how rapidly a panic will sometimes run through a weak man’s mind. Yet panics, in some cases, have their uses; their peculiar advantage is, that they are the touchstones of hypocrisy, and bring cowards to light, who might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered. 
In fact, they have the same effect on secret traitors which an imaginary apparition would have upon a private murderer. They sift out the hidden thoughts of man, and hold them up in public to the world. Many a disguised Patriot picker has lately shown his head, that shall penitentially solemnize with curses the day on which the Pats face defeat and then triumph once again. 
Every Patriot-Hater is a coward; for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Patriot-Hating; and a man under such influence, though he may be cruel, never can be brave. 
It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil will reach you all. The heart that picks against the Patriots now is dead; the blood of his children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little loyalty might have saved the whole, and made them happy. 
I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his Faith in the Patriots unto death. 
My own line of reasoning is as straight and clear as a ray of light. Not all the treasures of the world, so far as I believe, could have induced me to support a Patriots-Hating mode of life, for I think it murderous to my soul; but if a thief breaks into my house, burns and destroys my property, and kills or threatens to kill me, or those that are in it, and to "bind me in all cases whatsoever" to his absolute will, am I to suffer it? What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a relative or a friend; my countryman or not my countryman; whether it be done by an individual villain, or an army of them? 
If we reason to the root of things we shall find no difference; neither can any just cause be assigned why we should punish in the one case and pardon in the other. Let them call me rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man, the Patriot-Hater. I conceive likewise a horrid idea of a being who at the last day shall be shrieking to the rocks and mountains to cover him, and fleeing with terror from the fans, the bettors, and the faithful of New England. 
There are cases that cannot be overdone by language, and this is one. There are persons, too, who see not the full extent of the evil that threatens them; they solace themselves with hopes that if they succeed, their greater points will bring them solace. It is the madness of folly, to expect solace from those who have embraced disloyalty; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf, and we ought to guard equally against both.
They plead their case without shame; the Falcons were hungry, were invincible at home, were desperate for a win, were owners of a strong offense, were blessed with God on their side. The Pats had no receivers, they whimpered. They won close games, they could be 1-2. But ‘tis all for naught. They speak in fear; we shower the Patriots in love. Their fear leaves them empty, without recourse, but with only mouth honor. They move in trepidation, not emotion.
I thank God that I fear not. I see no real cause for fear. I know our situation well, and can see the way out of it. Once more we are again collected and collecting; our new team at both ends of the field is improving fast, and we shall be able to open the next game, well armed and well prepared. This is our situation, and who sees clearly knows it. By perseverance and fortitude we have the prospect of a glorious season; the Patriots-Hater, by cowardice and submission, the sad choice of a variety of evils- a ravaged conscience- a depopulated friend base- shall seek our mercy. But there will be none. They pick their course, they invite their doom.
Look on this picture and weep over it! And if there yet remains one thoughtless wretch who believes it not, let him suffer it unlamented.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Night

Pat and Ed pick the Ravens.

Problems with Big Red's Picks

There are problems with Karen's picks. Firstly, Karen incorrectly picked the Vikings over the Patriots. I have a rather long essay for her to read about the nature of loyalty and true Americanism.

Secondly, Karen did the entire pick list twice. As the answers were identical, the Commish can only assume that she lacks faith in the Chart Picks process, and very much like speaking louder to foreigners, felt the need to resubmit.

But the Survey Monkey is working well, and a record 7 league members availed themselves of its time saving properties. Let's go for full participation this week!

BTW, doctors extracted a liter of pus from the Commish's left lung yesterday and plan on looking at his right lung later this week. The commissioner will be returning to the Southern League Office in late September, as he is forbidden to fly for 3 weeks after the procedure. He wishes to thank all of those who have sent cards and letters and email to him. fervently wishing for his speedy recovery.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Karen & Wayne's picks

Both Karen and I have managed to complete the survey this week, at least we think so.  Please confirm that you have picks from both of us.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week 1 Stats

Week 2 Picks Chart

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Monday, September 8, 2014

To Junk or not to junk?????

I would just like to point out that my email has already started sending your BS... oops I mean posts to my Spam folder.  Even my inbox knows it is going to be a long season with this crowd.


Sunday, September 7, 2014


I've noticed a few mistakes.

My Dad and I should both have the Chiefs over the Titans and the Jets over Raiders.

BTW what's with the survey not using team names. It's quicker to type Pats than it is to type New England.

Shoot the monkey.

The once and future king,


Week 1 Picks

Monkey This

The SAC Commitee needs to meet to drive out all monkeys from the League !
Hoping Jim Beam doesn't get hurt this week.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Picking Pats

I may have missed picking the Pats game.  I am picking the Patriots.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday Night Picks

Week 1 Thursday Night

Pat: Seahawks

Ed: Seahawks

So it begins...

The first complaint may have been registered by Omaha, but the first whine came from the Commish.  I am looking forward to my victory this year.  I have studied up on my favorite players Dan Marino, Tedy Bruschi, Shaquille O'Neal, and Kevin's favorite Jim Beam.  What could go wrong?!  Let the 2014 season begin.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The picks in the post below obviously came from Omaha.

I just knew letting Karen into this site was a mistake.  I show her the way in, show her how to take the survey, this stupid site thanks her, then won't give me the survey.


Stupid blog

When I log in, this stupid blog tells me my login failed, and gives me a failure code (something like Uegz6M4 or some other series of letters/numbers) to report when reporting this login failure.

Then, I have no options to login again, log out, or any other usable option.  So finally in frustration, I "X" out.

I then call up the Go Zone site again, and it recognizes me as already logged in.  (This should be obvious, since I'm posting this message.)

However, it will not give me the survey form to make my picks.  It  just shows a Thank You form for Karen taking the survey.  Consequently, I'm tired of fighting this thing, so here are my picks:

Thursday - Seattle over Green Bay

Sunday - Saints over Falcons
Vikes over Rams
Steelers over Browns
Philly over J-Ville
Jets over Raiders
Baltimore over Cincy
Bears over Bills
Washington over Houston
KC over Tennessee
Carolina over Tampa Bay
49ers over Cowboys
Denver over Indy

And on Monday:

Detroit over Giants
Zona over San Diego

Potential Glitch on Picks Chart

The picks chart has an option to allow partial completion of the picks, and to go back and finish it later. That option must be checked individually on each week's new chart. It seems it wasn't on this weeks, so it would be wise to make all your picks the first time. I can go back and redo the chart, but it takes a while to do that, and I'd like to avoid that situation.

Picks Problem

As usual, Omaha registered the first complaint of the season!

Wayne, can Big Red make picks from her machine? What happens when you attempt to make picks? Give my crack IT staff a call and they will troubleshoot your situation.

I made my picks without a problem. Anyone experiencing problems?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Can't make picks

I can't get the survey to make my picks.


Week 1, 2014

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Monday, September 1, 2014


Welcome Back to the 2014 Go Zone Football League

Are you ready?

1. The Commissioner and the Senior Advisory Council (SAC) met three times this summer to discuss the health of the league. While everyone agrees that it would do the league a world of good of someone besides Kevin won the Millie and Chappie awards, competition remains strong, with Kevin edging out Marc by only 2 points last year.

2. The Commissioner delivered the annual financial report to the SAC and was complimented on his fine stewardship of the league. He was also commended for the improved accuracy of picks integrity and the timely manner in which the picks were reported. His innovations of use of the website SurveyMonkey was also noted.

3. The SAC nominated and voted unanimously for another year's term for the commissioner, and officially named him "President for Life." After a short speech, the Commissioner bought another round for the council members.

4. Improvements are anticipated, but may be delayed due to the Commissioners unavoidable stay in Peterborough. It seems he fell victim to a motorcycle accident on August 10, but his injuries did not manifest themselves until later that week. He was diagnosed on the following Saturday morning at the local emergency ward with a bruised lung and prescribed various pain killers. On the next Saturday morning, the Commissioner drove himself to the same emergency ward at 3:30 am complaining of chest pains and the inability to breathe. His blood pressure being 60/40 and his kidneys being non-functional, he was sent by ambulance to the Catholic Medical Center's Critical Care Unit in Manchester. There he was poked, prodded and declared the victim of dehydration and pneumonia, although he had neither coughing nor fever. After a few days in the CCU, he was removed to a ward room, where a day later he was released. Unfortunately, three days after his release, he developed the coughing and fever aspects of the disease and is currently recuperating at his son Luke's house in Peterborough. While his fever is under control, his legs have swollen up to the size of a baby elephant's, so another doctor's visit is in his immediate future. He is currently scheduled to fly to Fort Myers on September 10, but may have to postpone the flight home once more.