Saturday, December 30, 2023

.....And A Happy New Year!! - Week 17

Out with the old and in with the new! Cheers to you in 2024!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Week 17 Pick Link

 This is the week things really start getting interesting!

There is a Saturday Night Game....again

There is no Monday night NFL game this week which left me feeling jaded but then I remembered, the College Football Playoffs are here! So, why not? Keep it fun, keep it interesting.

Simple Monday CFP Rules: 2 games; 2 points for each win 

Here is the link to complete your picks!

Week 16 Results: Christmas Miracles for Kevin

What a week it was for football and family!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and was able to spend time together with the ones we love.

Just one major move I thought I should point out.......okay maybe 2.....
1. Ed, now I know why everyone fears him!
2. Kevin, has made a nice recovery this week. Someone should let him know it's the end of the season. We must give him credit for his "it's not over until the last whistle" mentality. Props Pop's!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Week 16 Survey

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

There is an NFL double header Saturday and a triple header on Monday, Christmas Day.

If you don't mind, Please get your picks in as soon as possible so I can have extra Mrs. Claus time in my workshop. My elves went on strike, some sort of child labor law shenanigans....who knew?

Thank you in advance! Sending all my love and Christmas joy to each of you and your families!!

Leader Board


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Week 15 Survey

 There are 3 game on Saturday this week.

In the spirit of Christmas joy, I have remixed a holiday classic. Enjoy!!

Dashing through the defense....on a one play touch down.....over the upright we go.....cheering all the way.... GO-GO-GO
Ref's blowing plays dead...... making fans nuts.....check the replay...... hear the boo-boo-boooooo's....ooh-ooh-ooh
Oh what fun it is to watch these crazy football games!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Did you see that?

 This weeks observations......

  • There is no crying in football. Just "Shake it off" Kansas City.
  • Watch out world, Omaha has regained access to the GO Zone. He has it out for Kevin.
  • Trey is the clear winner this week. His head is getting larger by the minute. Lord help me. Also, he said this year is his year for redemption; he will be getting another trophy, but this time his name will be spelled properly. On both.
  • Kirk, first place really? Bullshit.
  • Watch out boys, Jo's coming for you!
  • Shocking!!! Diane is the only one who picked both Monday nights correctly. That puts her in front of Sean; not shocking!!
  • If Sean keeps this up he will join the others in the cellar. He gets it from his father.
  • Kev is back in solitary. Its not considered solitary if there are 2 of them right? Sorry Marc.
  • Lindsey and Luke are still in the honeymoon phase.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

First post of the season

 This is my first post of the season and I see little has changed.

Kevin is bringing up the rear.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Week 14 Survey

 Please complete all picks by Thursday's awful matchup....

Also, this week has 2 Monday night games and each game is worth 2 points.

Results are in the eye of the beholder.


Weekly Observations:

Kirk is still in the lead, which is bullshit.

Amy must still be hung over from Drinksgiving, she slipped down the standings.

Ed is up to his ghostly games. No additional explanation required.

Nick, Trey and Wayne pull away from the middle of the pack like they are going to be anything more.

Mike is slowly recovering from Commish-itis. I will forever show mercy on him, he has earned it!

Jo is making waves, drowning Diane in the process.

Judy has joined the "girls just wanna have fun pack".

Marc has moved into the solitary confinement cellar. Marc, Do you see Kevin's days etched on the wall? Did he leave behind any wine in those barrels? Don't worry, he is only a cell over.

Lastly, which he is used to, Kev was this weeks winner. No big deal needed to be made.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Week 13 Survey

 Don't turn into your parents. "Nobody needs a line monitor"

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Week 12 Results

 1. Kirk pulls ahead. Pretty sure he pushed off.

    Gene, what did you see? Gene Steratore confirms it was a bad no call.

2. Trey and Wayne quietly creep up the list, under the radar.

3. Sean is a young homeowner turning into his father.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The picks are in! Week 12 Mash Up.....


What are most thankful for this year?

 Can you name that family member?

1. My sister being my Thanksgiving Eve designated driver

2. Miss Commish taking over the Go Zone!

3. The living tornado that is my son

4. That's a good question. Certainly not the patriots.

5. Reminders that I haven't made my picks yet.

6. Last place.

7. Family (2 responses for this one)

8. Family, friends and especially my new granddaughter!

9. Everything but mostly my beautiful family.

10. So many inappropriate, target, Netflix, Amazon, happy hour, poo pouri, my crazy ass family and the list goes on.

11. Very soon I will be thankful that the good lord gave me another year of life with family and friends. And the pain in the asses have left me alone for a while now.

12. Therapy.

13. Crab rangoons.

14. Being a family member of Mr and Mrs Wonderful. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Week 12 - Full of fun surprises

Okay folks, this week is meant to be fun but still competitive. So let's keep an open mind.....

This week has multiple Thursday games, a new Black Friday game, so I figured we can't leave out our friend Saturday! Now I know some of us are set in our ways but we will not let this hinder the change. 

Change is growth, change is fun, change is exciting!

This extra game is a COLLEGE GAME and will be 2 points for the win! 


**Insert groans and bitching and moaning**


Think about it......... college players turn into NFL players


Come on, you know you'll love it!!

Ok now that you've had a moment to ponder, hopefully you can see the excitement this will bring!!! 

Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear....

 On this week's "fastest 3 minutes

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Week 11 Survey

What will be, will be. Swiftly.....

Listen Here

 Deland is intent on going from worst to first. It’s one of those years kind of like the Patriots. If I didn’t pick the them every week I would be far from the cellar. The league is fixed and Ryan must be cheating. Where is the auditor when he is needed most? Looking at Kirk & Diane, their point total resembles their last three years combined! The SAC needs to convene to establish an investigation of insider knowledge coming out of Westmoreland. I smell a rat! Judy, pipe down! You were my favorite cousin! Slippage has occurred!  I never thought I’d miss Guido or the Commish.

Best to all,


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Week 10 Shake Down


"phrasal verb. shake down. ​(informal) (of a new situation or arrangement) to become established. Let's wait and see how everything shakes down."

This weeks observations...

1. Judy, Ed and Kate had an impressive week all scoring 9 points. Judy's smack talk has seemed to really light a fire under her!

2. Luke, sorry not sorry. Silver lining, you are reunited with your wife at the bottom of the standings. DON'T YOU dare blame this on Nolan!!

3. According to Harry Nilson, "one is the loneliest number" but then again 19 seems awfully lonely for weeks now, Kevin.


Thursday, November 9, 2023

The picks are in: Week 10 - Here we gooooo


Week 10

 “Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.” – Michael Jordan

There is another game on Sunday morning, please submit your picks for the week tonight prior to Thursday Night kickoff. 

May your luck run out.....

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Oh the John Maddeness


Adam Schefter reports that Ryan Royce has been implemented in the most recent sign steeling conspiracy. He was spotted taking notes from the Michigan coach; he then used those same tactics on Amy Royce. This is reportedly worse than Deflate Gate. Sources close to Schefter stated he had to resort to these actions to protect his dignity; there was NO WAY he was going to let his wife beat him. Physically or emotionally.....

In other factual news..... like father, like daughter. I currently sit in last place after a poor attempt to pull a "Diane" this week. There are no more words....

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Week 9


Half way there, where will you land?

"Get Right" Week 8 Results

 No, that's not a typo. Yes, that's Diane in the middle of the pack and yes, Kevin is in last place.....still

Friday, October 27, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Week 8 Picks

 Hello fellow GO-Zoner's,

I will be traveling to New Hampshire this week and ask that you complete the survey for all games prior to Thursday night's game please. 

I will be limited for computer access but I am open to texting your picks to me for this week if that is easier. (843) 751-5347

Here is the survey link

Thank you!

Miss Commish

Any Given Sunday


Friday, October 20, 2023

Week 7 Pick Link

 Please text me if there are any issues with the survey! (843) 751-5347

Thank you for your patience while I get my footing.

The results are in!

 Looking like a tight race!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Week 7 Picks - Thursday Night Football Baby!!!!


Back On - Needs Attention!

 To all Go-Zone members:

  First, the Commish is feeling somewhat better however measured. He is having some better days. Secondly, the Go-Zone is back in business! Please text your Thursday night(that is tonight’s game) pick to the Commish-she at 843-751-5347. That would be Kate. 

  If there is a member other than Kate or Trey not on this feed please let me know or give the info to that person.

  The weekend picks can be made after tonight’s game which gives her time to figure this mess out!


Monday, October 16, 2023

Thanks Mike


Thanks for making Sundays fun.

Get well soon.


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Season Canceled

 Sad to say, I am afraid I will have to cancel the season due to my health struggles this summer. Although I had a pacemaker successfully implanted, I sustained two Vertigo attacks leaving me with a long recovery.Two days ago I was exposed to Covid, perhaps complicating my recovery from Vertigo.  

If someone would like to take over the position of commissioner, let me know and I will share with them the many files I have developed as well as administering the blog.


Thursday, October 5, 2023

No Picks This Week

 The Commish is okay but is currently in the hospital. He was admitted on Monday and hopes to be released soon after more testing. There will be no picks for the pool this week. I will keep all updated going forward. I am sure a text or two will brighten his day. 239-404-6140.


Monday, October 2, 2023

 I should have the bucs....


Sunday, October 1, 2023

 I should have the dolphins.


Week 4 Picks