Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Did you see that?

 This weeks observations......

  • There is no crying in football. Just "Shake it off" Kansas City.
  • Watch out world, Omaha has regained access to the GO Zone. He has it out for Kevin.
  • Trey is the clear winner this week. His head is getting larger by the minute. Lord help me. Also, he said this year is his year for redemption; he will be getting another trophy, but this time his name will be spelled properly. On both.
  • Kirk, first place really? Bullshit.
  • Watch out boys, Jo's coming for you!
  • Shocking!!! Diane is the only one who picked both Monday nights correctly. That puts her in front of Sean; not shocking!!
  • If Sean keeps this up he will join the others in the cellar. He gets it from his father.
  • Kev is back in solitary. Its not considered solitary if there are 2 of them right? Sorry Marc.
  • Lindsey and Luke are still in the honeymoon phase.