Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Results are in the eye of the beholder.


Weekly Observations:

Kirk is still in the lead, which is bullshit.

Amy must still be hung over from Drinksgiving, she slipped down the standings.

Ed is up to his ghostly games. No additional explanation required.

Nick, Trey and Wayne pull away from the middle of the pack like they are going to be anything more.

Mike is slowly recovering from Commish-itis. I will forever show mercy on him, he has earned it!

Jo is making waves, drowning Diane in the process.

Judy has joined the "girls just wanna have fun pack".

Marc has moved into the solitary confinement cellar. Marc, Do you see Kevin's days etched on the wall? Did he leave behind any wine in those barrels? Don't worry, he is only a cell over.

Lastly, which he is used to, Kev was this weeks winner. No big deal needed to be made.