Sunday, September 6, 2020

What is going on?

 Apparently Guido has not been re-signed and has been put on waivers by the all-time Commish! 9/10 starts the season and no word from the league office. This is not the first time the office has gone on a silent hiatus! League owners rise up and demand to know the league status! This is borderline criminal! Omaha, cross the aisle and confront this issue in Ft Myers. Amy, go on a fact-finding mission. Judy, agree with your brother for once. Luke and Marcus, find your father! Patrick, call your uncle! The Commish has dealt a new meaning to the word remote! Diane, send a nasty note! Come on owners, fan-less season about to start! Ryan, do something! Nick, get out of bed! Big Red, make some sense of all of this! Ed, take charge!

