Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Week 2 Observations

 1. Monday Night Massacre! Much to the chagrin of almost all league members, the Raiders upended the Saints on MNF. It was particularly bad for Karen and Ed who missed their chance for an undefeated week.  

2. Marcus Wins POW. The 'Fro was the only member of the league to pick theRaiders. What did he know and when did he know it?

3. The Reverse POW. This award goes to Peg for picking the Jags over the Titans and Lindsey for picking the Broncos over the Steelers.

4. Late to the Party. Marc was the official winner, sending in his picks over an hour after the deadline, but Judy was close when she changed her pick on the Pats/Seahawks at 3:30 in the afternoon.

5.Guido Not Happy. Needless to say, Guido was irate that people were treating the Commish so rudely. "Omaha them," he said, "They should be tarred, feathered, drawn and quartered and also kicked out of the league." Of course, Guido has had a couple of rough months, but he still should be more respectful to league members.