Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 11 Audit

Whew!  I hardly know where to begin.

It was a bad week for the Commish, creating a lot of work for me.

1  Patrick.  In his list of Week 11 picks the Commish showed Patrick picking the Bills over the Phins.  After Sunday's games, Patrick posted to the Commish that he had actually picked the Phins, who lost. 

The Commish ignored Patrick's honesty, credited him with a Bills win and a 11-3 record, when he actually had a 10-4 record for the week.

Thus, Patrick's corrected Week 11 stats should read:   Week Record           10-4
                                                                                      Monday Night          1
                                                                                      Week's Pts               11
                                                                                       Previous Pts.           98
                                                                                       Total Points             109

I commend Patrick for his honesty - Deland and the Commish no doubt consider him a schmuck.

2.  Kirk.  Kirk was 10-4 for the week, the Commish correctly gives him 4 X's, yet incorrectly shows him 11-3 for the week and an incorrect Total Points of 104.

Thus, Kirk's corrected Week 11 stats should read:       Week Record            10-4
                                                                                      Monday Night            1   
                                                                                      Week's Pts.                11
                                                                                       Previous Total          92
                                                                                       Total Pts                   103

3.  Peterboro.  Last week the Commish made a simple math error, failing to add in his correct Monday night pick, resulting in an incorrect new total points score of 99, which I corrected to 100 total points.

The Commish failed to make the correction, again shorting Peterboro 1 point.

Thus, Peterboro's correct Week 11 stats should read:    Previous Pts             100
                                                                                        Total Pts.                 112

CEO Auditing Dept