Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Omaha needs a new pencil sharpener which he will undoubtedly put on his expense account. Surely he will add in the additional Advil required to complete the job.
Guido doesn't own a pencil.
Gracie ate the Commish’s pencil.
The home office is undergoing some transition. That would be going from bad to worse.
The Commish has conveniently forgot about the league amendment Section TB12 Article 12 which clearly states that any league member who runs the table on a given week will be rewarded with a 2 point bonus to their total. He stated that this would require too much erasing for the auditor. Something has to be done about this Goodell-type of leadership.
Rise up members! Not so loudly though as to wake up The Ghost.
Lastly, it appears the Royce family cheated(again) coming in all 12-2. Omaha , please re-audit the Westmoreland Wannabees!

Best to all
Delightful Deland