Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Week 10 Audit


After racing his way through the first 9 weeks with only one audit error, our Commish stumbled in week 10, making 3 errors.

1.  Ryan picked the Bears against the Lions, and the Bears won.

Our Commish in his final stats for the week mistakenly showed Ryan picking the Lions, thus charging Ryan with a loss he didn't incur.

I have handled the error with our Commish, and he has corrected Ryan's score from 3-10 to 4-9 for a corrected grand total of 100.

2.  The Commish also failed to add one point for Luke, who correctly picked the Monday night winner.  I have corrected his new total to 101 instead of the the 100 our Commish gave him.

3.  Also, our Commish made a typo on Peg's total score.  I corrected her total score to 94 instead of the 04 he gave her.

CEO Auditing Department
VP Quality Control