Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Shoddy Bookwork

Don't worry, Amy, I had already caught and corrected the Commish's shoddy bookwork.  You now have a correct total of 92 points.

I knew it was too much to expect the Commish to go 3 weeks in a row without gumming up the figures.

He messed up Sean, Ryan & Nick's picks also, but I corrected them.

Fortunately, the GO Zone has a crack auditing department that is always keeping a suspicious watchful eye out for the Commish's sloppy efforts.

It's a full-time job...

It has been suggested to me by more than one member that this is more than mere carelessness.

Could these continuous slipups be more than, ahem, errors, but rather  a calculated attempt to get the Commish back in the hunt?

Ever vigilant,

Chief Auditor & Vice President of GO Zone Statistics & Records