Thursday, November 8, 2018

Nebraska Nonsense

Well, it appears Cuz brandishes a dirty, left-handed knife to defend himself. Chappie once advised me to stay clear of that cousin and Claremont in general. I never knew what he meant until one day at the camp I was chasing the Claremont Caper. Small rocks were the choice of weapon. Unfortunately as I lined him up and let one fly, Chappie was between the two of us. Yup, hit Dad square at the base of the head on the backside. He dropped to the ground passed out quicker than Cuz in the second half of the Go-Zone standings! I thought I was dead! I then knew what he meant. Cuz seems to forget that the results of the All-Star baseball league investigation at Uncanoonuc revealed a tiny magnet attached to the back of the disc on the 1 zone of many of his players. This was brought to light of course by Chappie’s expert background in law enforcement! However it was snuffed out at the urging of the matriarch Millie with one phrase “give the boy a chance”. Police logs do not lie! Judy was and is so much nicer.
  Back to the matter at hand. Big Red will start her investigation today and did indicate that she may put Omaha in cuffs. I am not sure what that means! More later on this story I am sure.

Best to all,
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