Thursday, November 29, 2018

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Week 12 Audit


It only took two weeks of diligent work by the GO Zone auditor to get Lindsay's point total correctly calculated.

She did indeed pick the Colts, and she does indeed have 124 points after 12 weeks of games.

Tirelessly working for all GO Zone members,


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Director Human Resources
Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief of Investigations
Senior Visible Member Supervisory Council

Corrections for Week 12

Lindsey did indeed pick the Colts and her stats have been corrected.

And Karen did indeed pick the Jets. THE JETS.

Week 12 Stats


Hey cuz commish, are you ok?  You have been taking a lot of grief and still silent.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, to my oldest nephew - Kirk Severance!

"Oldest" - heh, that will make your day.

Omaha & Big Red

Monday, November 26, 2018

Hey Commish, I picked the Colts not the Dolphins. I was working all day yesterday and just looked at the chart. Thanks.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Apology for Insult

Big Red has asked me to apologize to everyone in this forum for her insulting pick of the Jets over the Pats this week.

She initially claimed it was a typo, but under intense interrogation from the Director of Investigations confessed that no one in our community is likely to believe that fable and forgive her for this indiscretion.

Yours in Loyal Service,


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Director Human Resources
Senior Visible Member Supervisory Council
Supervisor of Housekeeping
Chief of Investigations

Already fixed

No problem Patrick, I've already taken care of it.

You have your Ravens pick.


VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Director human Resources
Senior Visible Member Supervisory Council
Supervisor of Housekeeping


Yo Commish,

You omitted my Ravens pick.

Week 12 Picks

Thursday, November 22, 2018


How the Commish failed to arrive at the correct total points is six of one, a half dozen of the other.

He failed to correct Lindsay's incorrect points total from week 10, whether it be an error in addition or an oversight is of little importance.  Bottom line her point total was still wrong in the week 11 results.

Shape up!


VP Quality Control
Director Human Resources
CEO Auditing Department
Senior Visible Member Supervisory Council

Week 12 Thursday Picks

Correct score

Omahahahahahaha was correct in his conclusion if not his explanation. Lindsay's incorrect point total was caused by an addition error, not the absence of adding an additional point.

Her corrected total for week 10 was 105, for week 11 112. That will show up in this week's previous points.

The Commish

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Week 11 Audit

Everyone remembers that last week (Week 10) our esteemed Commissioner managed the seemingly  impossible - he arrived at the wrong score for all 18 members. 

Fortunately, the correction simply required that he add one win to each member's total.  Surely he could manage that, couldn't he?

Alas, not our Commissioner.

He managed to screw up the score for poor Lindsay, who by all appearances is a sweet, loving, young lady deserving of much better treatment from the Commish.

The Commish didn't credit her with the one additional win from Week 10, leaving her, once again, one win short in her Week 11total.

Lindsay went 6-7 in Week 11 with one bonus point for 7 total points.  Her last week total should have been 105 for a Week 11 total score of  112.

Your in dedicated service,


Director, Human Resources
VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Senior Visible Member, Supervisory Council

Week 12 Picks Link

Week 11 Stats

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Congratulations to Kirk!

This is quite an honor, Kirk.

I'm sure all Zone members join me in extending my congratulations for this distinguishing award.  The city of Granby is fortunate to have such a dedicated public servant.


Director Human Resources
VP Quality Control
CEO Auditing Department
Senior Visible Member Supervisory Council

Kirk Honored

GoZone member Kirk Severance has been honored by the Connecticut Association of Streets and Highways recently.

Kirk received the award for his "dedication in more than 30 years of service and participation to this association."

He is the Highway Commissioner for the town of Granby, Conn.  He has been a member representing Granby in the  association for over 34 years.

Approximately 165 towns in Connecticut participate in this Association.Every state has an association of some form. 

 Kirk is also on the Board of Directors of the New England chapter.

Although Kirk did not thank the GoZone or the Commish, The Senior Advisory Council congratulates him on a job well done for over three decades. The vote was 3-2.

Kirk at the Awards Banquet.

Week 11 Picks

You are welcome

Sharing the cellar with Diane is an honor. My favorite Severance, sorry Kirk you are tied for second, and I both expect to leap-frog to the top starting today! Di you are so right because there is first and then all the rest! Nobody remembers the bridesmaid! No trophies for that and imagine if there were! The Commish would be invoicing every week! Speaking of the Commish or maybe Guido, it seems my Thursday pick was changed possibly after the game. This could involve a consult with The VP of League Everything Omaha! However, he made need to recuse himself due to his tainted remarks recently against poor Deland. Time will tell.
Best to all

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Week 11 Thursday night Picks


Thank you to my favorite Kevin for keeping me company at the bottom .
😂😂 as ricky Bobby says “ if your not first your last “ so we got that right ! Happy thanksgiving
To you all and your families. Hugs from Ct.


Crap. This means Deland will not have a negative total for the week!

The correct totals will appear in the week 11 stats.

The Commish

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

New Record for Futility

Congrats to the Commissioner!

Our Commissioner has set a new record for futility in compiling the Week 10 stats.

He has managed what seems an impossible feat - he has miscalculated all 12 totals!

Yep, he arrived at the wrong total on all 12 members, including his own!!!!

To keep it simple, he has missed everyone's won-lost record for the week by exactly one win.

Therefore, each member's points total should be increased by one point.


President GO-Zone Auditing Department
VP Quality Control
VP Human Relations
VP Payroll

Week 11 Picks Link

Week 10 Stats

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Week 10 Thursday Night Picks

Nebraska Nonsense

Well, it appears Cuz brandishes a dirty, left-handed knife to defend himself. Chappie once advised me to stay clear of that cousin and Claremont in general. I never knew what he meant until one day at the camp I was chasing the Claremont Caper. Small rocks were the choice of weapon. Unfortunately as I lined him up and let one fly, Chappie was between the two of us. Yup, hit Dad square at the base of the head on the backside. He dropped to the ground passed out quicker than Cuz in the second half of the Go-Zone standings! I thought I was dead! I then knew what he meant. Cuz seems to forget that the results of the All-Star baseball league investigation at Uncanoonuc revealed a tiny magnet attached to the back of the disc on the 1 zone of many of his players. This was brought to light of course by Chappie’s expert background in law enforcement! However it was snuffed out at the urging of the matriarch Millie with one phrase “give the boy a chance”. Police logs do not lie! Judy was and is so much nicer.
  Back to the matter at hand. Big Red will start her investigation today and did indicate that she may put Omaha in cuffs. I am not sure what that means! More later on this story I am sure.

Best to all,
VP Marketing Support
VVPP Quality Uncontrol
COO League Watchdog

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Blah, blah, blah

Once again Deland shamelessly resorts to spouting lies about Omaha's domination of his cousins at the camp on Lake Unconoonuc during our childhood summer Stratomatic baseball games.

Nevermind that none other than my beloved Uncle Chappie himself was the commissioner, umpire-in-chief and referee given the thankless task of keeping his three whiney sons under control as a result of their tantrums after repeatedly getting hammered by Cousin Wayne.

Nevermind that elder rat rascal son Edmund Joseph O'Leary, Jr., aka Little Chappie, aka The Ghost, outright lied to innocent cousin Wayne about the meaning of the zone numbers on the baseball players' cards prior to the player draft.

He told me "10" was a home run zone, "1" was a strikeout zone, "7" was a ground out, when in fact 10 was a strikeout, 1 a home run, 7 a single, yada yada yada.  In spite of this dishonesty, I showed my managerial skills and assembled an unbeatable team of superstars that won our "World Series" every year.

My leading slugger?  Red Schoendiest, who had a "1", or home run zone, about as wide as the point of a needle. 

And yet - And yet!  Schoendiest hit more home runs than anybody, because of my skill at spinning the needle to stop at exactly the 12 o'clock position.  My cousins would make me start my spin at every different location possible, and still I could expertly stop it at 12 o'clock. 

So they protested.

So uncle Chappie was called in to explain to his sons in the nicest way possible, that they were

And now Deland, who by the way, was a little runt not really old enough to know who Ted Williams was, whines on and on about the lies told him by his older, delinquent brothers, long after Uncle Chappie shook my hand and declared me the champion.

This was repeated summer after summer.

So now Deland brings it up again.

And how is this relevant to our Commish's inability to make one and one equal two?

It isn't.

It just proves they are still losers.

VP Quality Control
Asst. VP Statistical Research

Stats and Records???

League Owners,
  An emergency meeting is in order to initiate yet another investigation as to who appointed or anointed Omaha As VP of anything much less Stats and Records. Surely the Commish and The Ghost can attest to Omaha single-handedly padding the stats of his players in the All-Star spinner baseball game played summers at Uncanoonuc! One harmless little miscalculation by Guido’s assistant and Omaha shamelessly berates the poor underworked and overpaid Commish! It has become quite evident that Omaha is out to overthrow the league dictatorship located in Ft. Myers FL. Do not let this happen! No more pencils or calculators shipped to Nebraska please! Where the hell is Guido when you need him! Oh, I forgot, he is on a slow train to nowhere collecting league dues for 2021. Big Red has offered to lead the investigation and I know she will stay close to the situation.

Best to all,

Shoddy Bookwork

Don't worry, Amy, I had already caught and corrected the Commish's shoddy bookwork.  You now have a correct total of 92 points.

I knew it was too much to expect the Commish to go 3 weeks in a row without gumming up the figures.

He messed up Sean, Ryan & Nick's picks also, but I corrected them.

Fortunately, the GO Zone has a crack auditing department that is always keeping a suspicious watchful eye out for the Commish's sloppy efforts.

It's a full-time job...

It has been suggested to me by more than one member that this is more than mere carelessness.

Could these continuous slipups be more than, ahem, errors, but rather  a calculated attempt to get the Commish back in the hunt?

Ever vigilant,

Chief Auditor & Vice President of GO Zone Statistics & Records 


Yo Commish.......
How did I lose 3 points this week??????? Typo????

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018