Monday, January 1, 2018

Silent No More

  Deland feels the need to speak out on so many levels. First, congrats to the Commish for capturing The Millie even though his season's picks are under review. The review may take almost as long as Omaha complains. We should have the official results by the summer meeting. Secondly, how does a Ghost get to be in the hunt with all of his phantom picks? Deland has taken the high road despite abundant attacks spreading from Nebraska to NH to Florida with a couple of nonsensical stops in Ct. Lastly, does anyone gave any semblance of logic to Cali's week 17 picks as being "I quit". Now I understand her frustration as she approaches an all-time low scoring output for the season but "I quit"?? What form of communication is that? Is this some type of left-coast attitude just because you are mired in the cellar? This primal grunt of a response to the Commish must not be tolerated and certainly needs the attention of the SAC committee prior to the playoffs.
   In any event most members should be eager to order this year's "I beat Omaha" apparel with even expansion team rookies out-distancing the wiley, whining and grumpy Cuz Omaha.
  Guido also needs to post on the SAC agenda taking up the point that on any given week if a member is the "lone wolf" and that team wins, then additional points would be awarded the "lone wolf". This year Cali led the league in "lone wolf" entries only to be the "lonely wolf" in most of those.
  Well, in closing, best to all in the playoffs as The Chappie awaits.
