Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Playoff Rules

In the past, the Commish has just asked league members to open the "Playoff Rules" page to access the scoring rules for the playoffs, however in order to avoid the usual disaster of Omahahahahahaha trying to do that and somehow being banned for life from Blogger again, we have copied and pasted the rules below.

Also, the SAC will be meeting to discuss the Lone Wolf and the Lonesome Wolf ideas for allowing non-traditional avenues for the accumulation of points.  Basically, the proposal is that if a league member is the only one to choose a winner, additional points will be assigned to that member. The Lonesome Wolf Idea is that if a member is the only one to pick a loser for a game, additional points will be taken away from that member. If you have any ideas, questions, criticism or hateful words for Omahahahahaha, please write to the blog or contact an SAC member.

Also, while Omahahahahahaha is devout in finding errors beneficial to him, he seems to have missed the fact that sister Judy was shorted 2 points in the last stats sheet, resulting in a tie with Omahahahahaha. Funny how that works.

And, both Ed and son Patrick have written in this week informing the league office of errors which resulted in loss of points for each of them. Such integrity is to be admired, especially when both league members are usually competing strongly for the lead. Bravo to both.

The Rules:

Playoff Game Rules:

1. Members will begin the playoffs with their total points from the season.

2. Each playoff pick win will add 3 points to their scores.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well. The underdog will be determined by the Commissioner and identified on the picks chart.

4. The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points, with 3 underdog points.

5. In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.

         Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a. Most Rushing Yards on offense
b. Most Passing Yards on offense
c. Most Completions on offense
d. Most penalty yards as a team
e. Most sacks on defense
f. Most Rushing TD's
g. Most Passing TD’s