Monday, January 1, 2018

Omahahahahhahahahhahah, the Ghost and Deland Stumble and Fall

It is with sadness that I have to note the poor sportsmanship Omahahahahahahahah displayed when he made yet another unfounded conspiracy theory ("Something Stinks"). I personally witnessed the Commish's filling out of his picks chart and we discussed many of the picks. He picked the 'Boys over the Eagles because they were at full force and the Eagles were going to rest their second string quarterback and first string running back, for the game meant nothing to them in the standings.

Anyone could have known that, yet Omahahahahahaha insists on attacking the Commish's sterling reputation and rock solid integrity instead of congratulating the Commish as so many have. Of course, you can add Deland and the Ghost to the very short list of those who prefer to hold a grudge rather than congratulate a winner.

If Omahahahahaha smells something fishy, it is because he is standing downwind of himself.