Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Computer out

The Commish has once again levelled a phony charge against Omaha, falsely claiming I said nothing about the Commish shorting The Prude 2 points in his posting of the standings just prior to the weekend.

I phoned the Commish late Friday, or perhaps early Saturday, not sure which, to check if he got my picks that Karen posted for me on her I-Pad, as our computer was in the repair shop until late Friday.

I did my usual audit following Sunday's games, and I correctly scored The Prude with 9 points, added to her previous total (174) for a final season total of 183 points.  This was before seeing the Commish's usual error-filled report posted on Monday, 1-1-18.

I watched bowl games all day Monday, played bridge all afternoon today, and didn't see the Commish's final stats until just a few moments ago.

Also, everyone should remember that the Commish doesn't correct his stats errors and republish a corrected report, he just adds or subtracts errors from the next weekly report.  This hides the paper trail and we are left to wonder if the corrections were made, or just another error. 

He mentioned that The Ghost and Patrick both reported errors that would have given them more points than they deserved, and accused me of intentionally failing to mention that.

This incident with Patrick and The Ghost happened a several weeks back and was what prompted me to begin auditing the Commish's miserable excuse for accounting.

My auditing of the Commish's sloppy work is appreciated by all members except the Commish and his lackey, Guido, and Deland.  No surprise there.  I thank all the members who have asked me to keep an eye on the Commish, and I will continue to look out for your interests.
