Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week 20 Conference Championship 2017

What's the holdup?

Cummon Commish, surely you've seen everyone's picks by now, and it should be safe for you to make yours.

Rearview mirror causing you some problems?

Warning:  objects may be closer than they appear


The Ghost Shines

Ed emailed me correcting his own score, once again exhibiting integrity and honesty. Of course, he probably realized that Omahahahahahahahah would eagle eye it on his audit, but just the same, it was appreciated.

As it now stands, many are in the hunt. Luke is only 2 points behind the Commish, followed by the Boss at 3 points behind, Ed at 4 points behind, Kirk and Lindsey at 5 points behind, and Marc and Ryan at 6 points off the pace.

I expect Jo will ride the underdog card one more week and it will be a tight game, no doubt. An exciting finish!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Math is obviously not the Commish's strength

True, I guess our Commish though The Ghost was one of the few who picked the Vikes, they must have been the underdog.

Thanks for the catch, my computer was out for service for several days, and I didn't get to do my audit.  Also, one would think tallying just 4 games wouldn't be too much of a challenge for even our Commish.

I see the Ghost has conjured up 2 phantom points.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Week 18 wildcard Weekend Stats and Results

Go Jo!

Go Joanne, go all the way!

You have picked up 12 points on Deland and the Ghost, and 6 on the Commish!


Reeds Ferry Powerball winner

Saturday's winning power ball ticket was sold at a Reeds Ferry market in Merrimack, NH.  Know anyone there, Commish?


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Computer out

The Commish has once again levelled a phony charge against Omaha, falsely claiming I said nothing about the Commish shorting The Prude 2 points in his posting of the standings just prior to the weekend.

I phoned the Commish late Friday, or perhaps early Saturday, not sure which, to check if he got my picks that Karen posted for me on her I-Pad, as our computer was in the repair shop until late Friday.

I did my usual audit following Sunday's games, and I correctly scored The Prude with 9 points, added to her previous total (174) for a final season total of 183 points.  This was before seeing the Commish's usual error-filled report posted on Monday, 1-1-18.

I watched bowl games all day Monday, played bridge all afternoon today, and didn't see the Commish's final stats until just a few moments ago.

Also, everyone should remember that the Commish doesn't correct his stats errors and republish a corrected report, he just adds or subtracts errors from the next weekly report.  This hides the paper trail and we are left to wonder if the corrections were made, or just another error. 

He mentioned that The Ghost and Patrick both reported errors that would have given them more points than they deserved, and accused me of intentionally failing to mention that.

This incident with Patrick and The Ghost happened a several weeks back and was what prompted me to begin auditing the Commish's miserable excuse for accounting.

My auditing of the Commish's sloppy work is appreciated by all members except the Commish and his lackey, Guido, and Deland.  No surprise there.  I thank all the members who have asked me to keep an eye on the Commish, and I will continue to look out for your interests.


Playoff Rules

In the past, the Commish has just asked league members to open the "Playoff Rules" page to access the scoring rules for the playoffs, however in order to avoid the usual disaster of Omahahahahahaha trying to do that and somehow being banned for life from Blogger again, we have copied and pasted the rules below.

Also, the SAC will be meeting to discuss the Lone Wolf and the Lonesome Wolf ideas for allowing non-traditional avenues for the accumulation of points.  Basically, the proposal is that if a league member is the only one to choose a winner, additional points will be assigned to that member. The Lonesome Wolf Idea is that if a member is the only one to pick a loser for a game, additional points will be taken away from that member. If you have any ideas, questions, criticism or hateful words for Omahahahahaha, please write to the blog or contact an SAC member.

Also, while Omahahahahahaha is devout in finding errors beneficial to him, he seems to have missed the fact that sister Judy was shorted 2 points in the last stats sheet, resulting in a tie with Omahahahahaha. Funny how that works.

And, both Ed and son Patrick have written in this week informing the league office of errors which resulted in loss of points for each of them. Such integrity is to be admired, especially when both league members are usually competing strongly for the lead. Bravo to both.

The Rules:

Playoff Game Rules:

1. Members will begin the playoffs with their total points from the season.

2. Each playoff pick win will add 3 points to their scores.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well. The underdog will be determined by the Commissioner and identified on the picks chart.

4. The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points, with 3 underdog points.

5. In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.

         Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a. Most Rushing Yards on offense
b. Most Passing Yards on offense
c. Most Completions on offense
d. Most penalty yards as a team
e. Most sacks on defense
f. Most Rushing TD's
g. Most Passing TD’s

Week 18, 2017 Wild Card Weekend Picks Chart

Monday, January 1, 2018

Silent No More

  Deland feels the need to speak out on so many levels. First, congrats to the Commish for capturing The Millie even though his season's picks are under review. The review may take almost as long as Omaha complains. We should have the official results by the summer meeting. Secondly, how does a Ghost get to be in the hunt with all of his phantom picks? Deland has taken the high road despite abundant attacks spreading from Nebraska to NH to Florida with a couple of nonsensical stops in Ct. Lastly, does anyone gave any semblance of logic to Cali's week 17 picks as being "I quit". Now I understand her frustration as she approaches an all-time low scoring output for the season but "I quit"?? What form of communication is that? Is this some type of left-coast attitude just because you are mired in the cellar? This primal grunt of a response to the Commish must not be tolerated and certainly needs the attention of the SAC committee prior to the playoffs.
   In any event most members should be eager to order this year's "I beat Omaha" apparel with even expansion team rookies out-distancing the wiley, whining and grumpy Cuz Omaha.
  Guido also needs to post on the SAC agenda taking up the point that on any given week if a member is the "lone wolf" and that team wins, then additional points would be awarded the "lone wolf". This year Cali led the league in "lone wolf" entries only to be the "lonely wolf" in most of those.
  Well, in closing, best to all in the playoffs as The Chappie awaits.


Omahahahahhahahahhahah, the Ghost and Deland Stumble and Fall

It is with sadness that I have to note the poor sportsmanship Omahahahahahahahah displayed when he made yet another unfounded conspiracy theory ("Something Stinks"). I personally witnessed the Commish's filling out of his picks chart and we discussed many of the picks. He picked the 'Boys over the Eagles because they were at full force and the Eagles were going to rest their second string quarterback and first string running back, for the game meant nothing to them in the standings.

Anyone could have known that, yet Omahahahahahaha insists on attacking the Commish's sterling reputation and rock solid integrity instead of congratulating the Commish as so many have. Of course, you can add Deland and the Ghost to the very short list of those who prefer to hold a grudge rather than congratulate a winner.

If Omahahahahaha smells something fishy, it is because he is standing downwind of himself.

The Commish is Humbled by the Praise

The Commish wishes to thank all the league members who have sent their congratulations and good wishes for his monumental winning of the Millie. "I am truly humbled and heartened by the outpouring of good wishes and love that I have received," he said at a celebratory party in his honor. "The heart-felt joy of league members brought tears to my eyes," he added.

Despite problems with the IT department in processing the 2017 final stats, the word still got out and the many calls and texts overwhelmed the main switchboard of the league office. "It was also heartening and appropriate that my two closest competitors were Ed and Kevin this year," the Commish noted. "They waged a valiant battle, but I was able to squeeze by at the end."

After spending a few days at the Buckingham Dog Park, the Commish said he plans to take an extended trip on his boat, with his faithful Gracie by his side.

Public Relations Department
The Go-Zone Football League

Week 17 Stats and Results