Sunday, October 29, 2017

Observations Week 7ish

1. Excellence. Not much has been said about Windsor Locks remarkable record on week 6. In a week where people struggled to break even, Diane scored an astounding 11-3. She followed that with a solid 10-5 for week 7, thereby vaulting her into the leadership of the league.

2. Jude the Prude and Omaha. Judy and Wayne were correct in their praise of the decision to hold firm on changing of last week's Monday night selection, but they were a bit off on who should get the credit. The SAC met to discuss the request and seemed amenable to granting the wish when Guido Gonzales called upon himself to testify. His passionate argument for denying the change ended with this charge: "He (the member seeking the change) is a lying little weasel who tries this all the time! We can't let this happen! The future of the league and its integrity is at stake!" When reminded that name-calling was not allowed in SAC testimony, Guido admitted that the person in question was "not that little." His argument ended up carrying the day.

Pick changes are considered on a individual basis by the SAC. Taken into consideration are the time left before the game in question, the history of the member in terms of requesting changes and the relative mental health of the requesting member. The SAC determined that there was plenty of time left before the game began and voted 3-2 to vouch  for his mental health, but this is not the first time the member complained about his picks. "Jeesum Crow, he calls up about every week swearing he never made a pick and then will argue against his own pick as proof that he would never had made that pick," Guido lamented.

3. Things are Tightening Up. The Commish and his son Luke are now tied for first place with 74, followed by son Marc with 73, Ed and Jo with 72,  Wayne, Karen, Kirk, Diane and Nick with 71, and Judy and Kevin with 70.

4. Winners of the Week. Karen was the runaway winner with a 14-1 record for Week 7. She has had a few strong weeks and has inserted herself into the leadership. Also having great weeks were Judy, Ed, Patrick, Peg, Marc, Luke, Kevin and Jo with 12-3 weeks.

5. Picks of the Week. Luke and Lindsey both picked the Bears over the Panthers.

On a special note, the SAC has decided to have a "Guest Commissioner" run the picks for a week. If interested, call or text the Commish to find out what is involved.