Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Observations for Week 4 (plus GG)

1. GG Explained! GG needs to be mansplained a bit after his "observations" for week three. First he seemed to rile up quite of few of you with his comment that "no member of importance" was close to the commish and his sons. When confronted, GG admitted that he might have been a bit harsh there, and he should have written "no member of significance." I kind of gave up on that response, and if GG were not so loyal to the Commish, I would have reprimanded him severely. It is obvious to me that GG was intending to insult Omaha, who was tied with younger son Peterborough at the time. Of course the whole discussion is ridiculous this early in the season. Point totals are always close this early so childish posturing over points at this point is silly.

2. Why So Quiet? As usual, most members silently allow Omaha and Deland to make their ridiculous charges without any answering posts. This just encourages the incorrigible to make irresponsible charges. GG can't be expected to protect everyone without some help.

3. Pick of the Weeks. One of GG's most glaring omissions was to not note the picks of the week and the winner of the week for Week 3. Those picks would go to Brandy and Amy for picking the Jets over the Dolphins, and Brandy and Deland for picking the 'Skins over the Raiders. Winner of the Week was Brandy with a 12-4 record and 13 points. Reverse Pick of the Week goes to Sean for his pick of the Chargers over the Chiefs.

4. Week 4 Pick of the Week. This goes to Windsor Locks with her pick of the Bills over the home team Falcons. Reverse Pick of the Week goes to Amy for her pick of the Colts over the Seahawks, although if the Bills can beat the Falcons at home, why not the Colts over the Hawks?

5. Winner of Week 4. This goes as a tie between the Commish and the Mother of Cats, someday to be his daughter-in-law. Both had 13 points with a 12-4 week.