Sunday, October 22, 2017

beantown bungles

So Joey Cora will be our next Bosox manager.

Good luck, Joey, you have an impossible and thankless job.  You will be working for the same fools who hired & fired Terry Francona and John Farrell.

All Francona did was win our first World Series in 96 years, since 1918 to be exact in his first season, 2004.  And then, just for good measure, he did it again in 2007.  But that wasn't good enough and after 2011 he was fired.

So the Bosox brain trust hired Bobby Valentine, a man so despised by baseball front offices he had to go to the Orient to find a job. He did a wonderful job in 2012, leading our boys to a 69-93 record and last place in the AL East.  Goodbye Bobby, sorry we ever knew ya.

So we hired John Farrell.

All Farrell did was win the World Series in his initial season, 2013.  And then, in 2016 & 2017 he won back-to-back AL East pennants, the ONLY time in Bosox history any manager has ever accomplished that feat.  But  leading this team of hitless wonders to yet another pennant this year just wasn't enough, pal.

Apparently a Red Sox manager must never finish lower than 1st place.  We deserve and are expected to win each and every year.

Good Luck Joey.  Um, you do know you must win the World Series next season, and apparently every other season in the future, right?
