Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Week Stats, 2016 and 2017

Interesting to me is the comparison between the stats for last year and this year at the mid-way point of the season.

First, 2016:

Then, 2017:

Everyone is doing better this year, including Jo who led the league in 2016 with 82 points and has 83 points now. Remarkable consistency there.

And, speaking of remarkable things, Kudos to Kirk for achieving a perfect week. It is something we all have as a goal, something we all want and hope for, but few have reached that lofty peak. A perusal of the "League Records" tab at the top of the page reveals that on Week 11 of 2012, Sean and Kyle had a perfect score for a 14-0 week.

Week 9 Picks Chart

Week 8 Results and Stats

Monday, October 30, 2017

Perfect Kirk

Congrats to Kirk for correctly guessing picking every game this week!

Has this ever happened before?


Commish's math is suspect as well

As if there isn't enough about the Commish's actions to arouse suspicions as to his motives, his math once again is open to suspicion and/or correction.  Take your pick.

He posted that things are "tightening up," and that he and son Luke, I believe was the son he mentioned, were tied at 74, while other son, Marcus, was right behind with 73 points.

No one has 73 points.

All three of them are shown with 74 points heading into this week's games.

It seems Patrick and I are the only auditors of the Commish's new math.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Observations Week 7ish

1. Excellence. Not much has been said about Windsor Locks remarkable record on week 6. In a week where people struggled to break even, Diane scored an astounding 11-3. She followed that with a solid 10-5 for week 7, thereby vaulting her into the leadership of the league.

2. Jude the Prude and Omaha. Judy and Wayne were correct in their praise of the decision to hold firm on changing of last week's Monday night selection, but they were a bit off on who should get the credit. The SAC met to discuss the request and seemed amenable to granting the wish when Guido Gonzales called upon himself to testify. His passionate argument for denying the change ended with this charge: "He (the member seeking the change) is a lying little weasel who tries this all the time! We can't let this happen! The future of the league and its integrity is at stake!" When reminded that name-calling was not allowed in SAC testimony, Guido admitted that the person in question was "not that little." His argument ended up carrying the day.

Pick changes are considered on a individual basis by the SAC. Taken into consideration are the time left before the game in question, the history of the member in terms of requesting changes and the relative mental health of the requesting member. The SAC determined that there was plenty of time left before the game began and voted 3-2 to vouch  for his mental health, but this is not the first time the member complained about his picks. "Jeesum Crow, he calls up about every week swearing he never made a pick and then will argue against his own pick as proof that he would never had made that pick," Guido lamented.

3. Things are Tightening Up. The Commish and his son Luke are now tied for first place with 74, followed by son Marc with 73, Ed and Jo with 72,  Wayne, Karen, Kirk, Diane and Nick with 71, and Judy and Kevin with 70.

4. Winners of the Week. Karen was the runaway winner with a 14-1 record for Week 7. She has had a few strong weeks and has inserted herself into the leadership. Also having great weeks were Judy, Ed, Patrick, Peg, Marc, Luke, Kevin and Jo with 12-3 weeks.

5. Picks of the Week. Luke and Lindsey both picked the Bears over the Panthers.

On a special note, the SAC has decided to have a "Guest Commissioner" run the picks for a week. If interested, call or text the Commish to find out what is involved.

Week 8 Picks

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017

Right on, Sis

I agree with you 100%, Sis.  Miraculously, our Commish passed the integrity test and didn't bite on that bait.



 I am writing this under very sad circumstances. I have heard through the grapevine that a certain go zone member tried to change his pick for tonight. Thankfully  we have an honest and trustworthy commish who, because of his fairness and integrity turned him down.   I can’t tell you how this strengthens my faith in this wonderful league.

Boston Globe

Interesting.  The Boston Globe's Nick Cafardo wrote an article for today about Cora's new job with the Sox.  He ended his article with this paragraph:

"There isn't really a reason for Farrell to be fired, but that doesn't matter now.  Cora is in charge and there can't be any excuses about being a rookie manager getting his feet wet.  You don't get to do that in Boston.  You have to act like you've done this before or it could be a long three years."



Sunday, October 22, 2017

beantown bungles

So Joey Cora will be our next Bosox manager.

Good luck, Joey, you have an impossible and thankless job.  You will be working for the same fools who hired & fired Terry Francona and John Farrell.

All Francona did was win our first World Series in 96 years, since 1918 to be exact in his first season, 2004.  And then, just for good measure, he did it again in 2007.  But that wasn't good enough and after 2011 he was fired.

So the Bosox brain trust hired Bobby Valentine, a man so despised by baseball front offices he had to go to the Orient to find a job. He did a wonderful job in 2012, leading our boys to a 69-93 record and last place in the AL East.  Goodbye Bobby, sorry we ever knew ya.

So we hired John Farrell.

All Farrell did was win the World Series in his initial season, 2013.  And then, in 2016 & 2017 he won back-to-back AL East pennants, the ONLY time in Bosox history any manager has ever accomplished that feat.  But  leading this team of hitless wonders to yet another pennant this year just wasn't enough, pal.

Apparently a Red Sox manager must never finish lower than 1st place.  We deserve and are expected to win each and every year.

Good Luck Joey.  Um, you do know you must win the World Series next season, and apparently every other season in the future, right?


Week 7 Picks

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Thursday, October 5, 2017


I am so glad that you have come to terms with reconizing  that your demon brother is the source of all of your anxiety. I don't blame you for not wanting to put up with him any more and whatever I can do to support you know that I am there for you.
Another one to keep an eye on is the one from Deland, I am sure that he is also involved in this unnecessary rhetoric aimed at you.  

Now as soon as you are done with the dishes please bring me a slice of apple pie.
Love ya!

Thursday Night Picks, Week 5


I am overwhelmed and feeling so loved from all of the wonderful support that the go zone league members, except for one , And I won't mention any names, have shown for me.   You certainly can see the abuse I take.  I am all settled in Florida now and look forward to another fun go zone year.  Go patriots!

here we go !

Ok lets just go to the beginning of the season . Deland , do you know how hard it is to do your picks from out on blueberry island ? I think not ! Also may remind you that "slow and steady wins the race !" so don't be shocked when you see me coming flying up from the back of the line to the front !! The women to the gozone are not going to give up these trophies without a fight !!
As for all this picking on my beloved Aunt Judy (aka jude the prude) I will not stand for it !!! After I left the island I decided to head down to foxwoods  just to prove all these rumors to be false . As I already knew they were 100% incorrect. She was no where to be found  !! Just to be on the safe side I headed to Mohegan and saw her nowhere in site there either . But I did have a good burger at Bobs Burgers but that has nothing to do with it :o)
So that being said I hope you are all doing well , Michael we need you to be there for us , messing up the weekly scores , and then Omaha ..... with out your constant complaining ....  we can all only hope to be that much of a pain we get a t-shirt in our honor at end of the season .
Kirk well we all know where he is , running a town while sitting in a tree stand in the woods . Although where was he while I was getting threatened by a wild weasel on the uncanoonuc ?? NAPPING!!!!!!!
Heres to another fun season :o)
Peg feel free to send along any of those delicious cookies anytime . Just bill the postage to Deland :o)

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Observations for Week 4 (plus GG)

1. GG Explained! GG needs to be mansplained a bit after his "observations" for week three. First he seemed to rile up quite of few of you with his comment that "no member of importance" was close to the commish and his sons. When confronted, GG admitted that he might have been a bit harsh there, and he should have written "no member of significance." I kind of gave up on that response, and if GG were not so loyal to the Commish, I would have reprimanded him severely. It is obvious to me that GG was intending to insult Omaha, who was tied with younger son Peterborough at the time. Of course the whole discussion is ridiculous this early in the season. Point totals are always close this early so childish posturing over points at this point is silly.

2. Why So Quiet? As usual, most members silently allow Omaha and Deland to make their ridiculous charges without any answering posts. This just encourages the incorrigible to make irresponsible charges. GG can't be expected to protect everyone without some help.

3. Pick of the Weeks. One of GG's most glaring omissions was to not note the picks of the week and the winner of the week for Week 3. Those picks would go to Brandy and Amy for picking the Jets over the Dolphins, and Brandy and Deland for picking the 'Skins over the Raiders. Winner of the Week was Brandy with a 12-4 record and 13 points. Reverse Pick of the Week goes to Sean for his pick of the Chargers over the Chiefs.

4. Week 4 Pick of the Week. This goes to Windsor Locks with her pick of the Bills over the home team Falcons. Reverse Pick of the Week goes to Amy for her pick of the Colts over the Seahawks, although if the Bills can beat the Falcons at home, why not the Colts over the Hawks?

5. Winner of Week 4. This goes as a tie between the Commish and the Mother of Cats, someday to be his daughter-in-law. Both had 13 points with a 12-4 week.

Sunday, October 1, 2017