Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Week 16 Observations

1. Jo Widens Her Lead. True to form this year (and last year as well), Jo has remained firmly in first place. She gained a point on Marc and two points on Kevin and Judy. Nick stayed 4 points behind.

2. It's Jo against Judy and Marc. Realistically, absent a total train wreck from Jo this week, only Judy and Marc have a chance to seize the Millie. Both are only three points behind Jo and either could have a great week, as Marc, Sean, Ryan and Amy have done recently.

3. The Standings. Jo 169, Judy and Marc 166, Kevin and Nick 164, and Wayne and Mike 160.

4. Put Another Way. Jo has averaged 10.5 points per week, Judy and Marc 10.4, Nick and Kevin 10.3, and Wayne and Mike 10.0.

5. The Secret. Jo has had a great year and she has not had one bad week the entire season. It is a long season and every week counts. Belichick would be proud.