Sunday, December 18, 2016

Corrected Week 14 Results

Thanks to the vigilance of the King of the North, incorrect stats from week 14 have been found and corrected. The King is to be commended for his scrutiny of the stats and his quick and respectful alerting of the central office. It is, of coiurse, every members duty to check the accuracy of the published stats. The big winner in the change is Jude the Prude who is now tied with Deland for second place, two points  behind the front runner The Boss.

Guido Gonzales says the problem could be in a computer glitch, or more likely, a deliberate hack "by the Russians, the Chinese, or by a 16 year old boy living in his parents basement in New Jersey." Guido added that, more ominously, "it could be the CIA."

The corrected results: