Thursday, December 1, 2016

Omaha vs The Prude -- The Boss

I'm still laughing hysterically after reading the last 2 posts and really cannot control my tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. As the oldest sibling of 5 -- 3 girls first then 2 boys - exactly 10 years from eldest to youngest  - I can appreciate and relate to the renditions of experiences between Omaha and Jude the Prude.  However, as the years press on, do our recollections fade and we embellish our tales or are our memories solid and our recountings accurate?  As a "young" senior, I know my memory is crisp and, therefore, feel all The Go-Zone Seniors recall exact facts from our childhood. Thus, I'll continue to enjoy the sibling banter. Thanks for the laughs tonight - keep them coming!  THE BOSS