Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week 4 Observations

1. POW. The Pick of the Week goes to Diane for her pick of the Rams over the Cardinals. Only she saw that coming. RPOW (Reverse Pick of the Week) goes to Luke for his pick of the Giants over the Vikes on Monday night. Also, Ryan for his pick of the Browns over Skins.

2. The Leaders at the Quarter Pole. Mike and Jo, with 43 points, Judy with 42, Kevin and Nick with 41 and Ed and Marc with 40. Last year, Quarter Pole leaders were Luke with 45 points, Jo and Karen with 43, Ed with 42, and Sean, Brandy and Mike with 40.

3. Best Record, Most Points. Luke and Amy had the best record at 10-5, but Amy prevailed on points with 11. Following her with 10 points were Wayne, Diane, Luke, Kevin, Jo, Ryan and Nick.

4. Prognostication? Despite what Omaha said last week, the Commish's observation that the Saints and the Cubs could not be trusted proved to be wrong this week. Both won, the Saints on the road. But his comment that the Panthers and Cardinals looked shaky held true. Both fell on Sunday, the Cardinals at home.

5. Thanks. The Commish thanks the members who have called and written to him in praise of the new picks portal and the refurbished picks and stats charts design. Guido Gonzales, IT Director, has spent many hours and much energy on these improvements to the Go Zone Football League experience. The SAC has offered GG a three year extension of his contract with the Go Zone, dependent upon members paying their dues.