Monday, October 24, 2016

Thursday Night Ballots and other Paranoia

1. The secret Thursday Night ballot is contained within the week's picks chart. If you click on the alternate picks chart, you can submit more than one. Ed and Pat use that a bit. Also, if you message me, that is kept secret until the picks are published.

2. As everyone knows, the monkey surveys are processed by IT Department Head Guido Gonzales. However, one of the jobs of the Commissioner is to okay the picks chart before publication. Once published, the picks cannot be altered, as Omaha has requested to do many times.

3. If seeing everyone's picks were such a benefit, the Commish would have a much higher point total than he has at present, and he wouldn't have come in last in 2015.

4. Successful picks are a combination of luck, astute knowledge of teams involved in the games, and,  I am convinced, karma. There is a legend of one league member who picks based upon the nicknames of the teams. "An eagle would beat a raven," therefore this person picks the Eagles. The Raiders against the Chargers would be problematic, so presumably this person has a back up for ties. Each league member has his own method, from experts picks to consensus picks to home field advantage picks.