Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 9 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 8 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 7 Stats

Week 7 Results

Thursday Night Ballots and other Paranoia

1. The secret Thursday Night ballot is contained within the week's picks chart. If you click on the alternate picks chart, you can submit more than one. Ed and Pat use that a bit. Also, if you message me, that is kept secret until the picks are published.

2. As everyone knows, the monkey surveys are processed by IT Department Head Guido Gonzales. However, one of the jobs of the Commissioner is to okay the picks chart before publication. Once published, the picks cannot be altered, as Omaha has requested to do many times.

3. If seeing everyone's picks were such a benefit, the Commish would have a much higher point total than he has at present, and he wouldn't have come in last in 2015.

4. Successful picks are a combination of luck, astute knowledge of teams involved in the games, and,  I am convinced, karma. There is a legend of one league member who picks based upon the nicknames of the teams. "An eagle would beat a raven," therefore this person picks the Eagles. The Raiders against the Chargers would be problematic, so presumably this person has a back up for ties. Each league member has his own method, from experts picks to consensus picks to home field advantage picks.

I want my ballot secret

Do we get a survey for picking the Thursday night game?

My picks are top secret and not to be shared with any of the usual suspects, except the Commish, of course. 

How come the Commish gets special privileges? 

He gets to see everyone's picks before gametime...

Soccer is for sissies

It doesn't surprise me that the Commish and his little bratty brother love soccer.  The "game" has all the complexities of watching paint dry.


Omaha Attacks Soccer

Omaha has gone south before, but this is too much. To insult soccer, the future game of America and the apple of every young parent's eye, by comparing it to that game is unforgivable. Believe me, unforgivable. SAD.

And to make things worse, Deland in the middle of a conversation on housing in Fort Myers broke into a similar hissy fit about that game. Deland, often an enemy of Omaha, agreed with him so much that it was if they had colluded on their talking points and conclusions. Deland's only divergence from Omaha was to say that the game made talking to Omaha seem exciting.

On a more important note, the Commissioner's Office will be moving from its summer residence in Nashua, NH, to the warm and friendly confines of Fort Myers, FL this week. While the trip is being planned with the aim of superior communications, The Commish and his son the "Fro will be on the road Thursday night, so any dawdling of picks will face the scrutiny of time-stamped messages or emails. The Commish may not have the time or the internet connection to remind people to make their picks.

What a travesty

Am I the only one foolish enough to stay up and watch the Arizona-Seattle debacle last night?

A 6-6 tie.  I would like to praise the defenses, but the truth is that both offenses were so inept that any defense would have looked good against either team.

For those who didn't watch, the game went into OT deadlocked at 3-3; both teams scored a field goal to make it 6-6, and then both teams missed chip shot field goals to end in a tie.

This ugly demonstration set back the NFL at least 50 years, or perhaps more.  It made a soccer match look exciting.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Week 7 Thursday Night Picks

Just do your job

Ho him, another slur coming from Omaha. It is becoming very clear that that it may be time for Omaha to give up the sinking ship. Now that you are looking at BOTH your wife and sistah's brake lights, it may be the end of the dirt road. As far back as "I hate yahoo" and the continual "you cheaters" monologue there seems to be a slippage in stability especially when hovering over the weekly picks. Omaha, just do your job! Do the dishes and take out the garbage. Karen, does he complain about that too!

Doing our job,

I can't lose

I look at the competition, see their picks, and come to the obvious conclusion:  If I lose this contest, it is because it is rigged.

Look at the facts:  Every year of the Zone's existence some O'Leary wins.  Twice I have gone into the Super Bowl with a solid lead only to see some O'Leary score the most unlikely of points to edge me out.  What the O'Leary clan knows about football could be chiseled on the point of a pin.  Still they win. 

This whole exercise is rigged.  It has always been rigged.  Some cheatin' Ed,  cheatin' Kevin or other cheatin' O'Leary always wins.

There is no way I can recognize another cheatin' O'Leary win.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week 6 Observations

1. The Boss Rules. After solid wins in the past two weeks, the Boss has leaped into a seemingly insurmountable lead.  After 6 weeks, her average of 10.833333333333333333333333333 is quite impressive. Despite a small controversy around the legitimacy of her scores, she should be proud of very high average, nearly a full point ahead of Luke's pace from last year.

2. Women to the Forefront. Nashua tied the Boss for winner of the week, matching the Boss's score of 12 points this week. Also, Judy, with 60, and Kevin with 62 join the Boss in the 60's. It is rewarding to see the distaff members of the league shine so brightly this year.

3. Pick of the Week. There were no singular picks of the week, but Deland, the Boss and Sanford should be jailed commended for their pick of the Chargers over the highly favored and hard to see how they lost Broncos. Also to be commended are Jude the Prude, the King of the North, and Rolls for their picks of the Cowboys over the Packers.

4.The Reverse Pick of the Week goes to Granby for picking the Browns over the Titans. Any pick of the Browns is fraught with terror, as are picks of the Bears this year.

5. Close Games Important. It is a testament to how difficult it is to consistently scored highly each week given the many close games and last minute wins that the NFL affords. To meander through that minefield each week takes incredible knowledge of the game and intuition for the winners of close games.

Week 7 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 6 Stats

Week 6 Records

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Friday, October 14, 2016

The Boss at a Loss

To: The Boss
From: GG
Re: The Boss Appalled

The Boss has committed many violations of league policy over the years, but her latest unhinged post proves my point. In spite of the fact that she been seen in the company, in broad daylight, of Deland, a suspected crony of several Deland Gang members, she has hired a lawyer. (And who would hire a lawyer who is innocent?)

Secondly, she apparently is being sued by someone (one of our members?) because she said her lawyer is bringing a counter suit against anyone who questions the plausibility of her picks. To bring a counter suit, she has to have a suit currently against her. What crimes she has committed, I do not know.

Next, she ends with a threat to anyone who speaks out: "Beware those casting stones -- you've run into The Boss, a force unlike any other!" To threaten her fellow league members is deplorable.

The Boss's over-heated rhetoric and vindictive attitude does not bode well for the Commish's upcoming investigation. We hope her lawyer has briefed her about perjury before her testimony.

Calling the Kettle Black

To: Deland
From: GG
Re; Disgraceful

I applaud your confession of how disgraceful you are. And it was good of you to share what the Deland Gang told you about the game. Did they also share the final score?

It is all rigged, we all know that, and your shameless association with such scum may lift you up now, but later it will be your downfall. You better watch what you are doing. Things can happen. Especially to betrayers!


The Boss (The Duke of Deland's Wife) Appalled !

I'm insulted by Guido's and King of the North's false accusations!  You both must be related to Goodell. As he did to Brady and The Pats, you'll try anything to thwart any success I may bask in as the current point leader of the illustrious Go-Zone. I have worked hard and labored over records, past performance and sporting news reports in an attempt "to do my job" each week. Being a retired paralegal, I'll be retaining the highly successful defense sports lawyer to defend, counter sue and clear my good name. Beware those casting stones -- you've run into The Boss, a force unlike any other!


It seems Guido needs a pulse check! Has he moved to Colorado and legally consumed too much weed? Slanderous, bogus remarks from the Kink of the North. Did Guido not know that the QB position in Denver is tenuous at best and the fact that the head coach was not at the game. What if Belichik was absent? Not to mention All the SD losses have been by seven points or less and the game was in SD. You don't need to trip out to Vegas to figure an upset was as much in the air as that wacky weed you are smoking! Apologies will be accepted first thing in the morning. The only misrepresentation of the league at any level is that Sting of the North who by the way is still stung by that record-low week recently

Charged up in Deland

I'm hearing...............

I'm hearing some very disturbing things about this Deland gang. I always knew the Puke Duke of Deland was crooked. Believe me I know. He has hate in his heart for this league. He is corrupt. Believe me. I call for a special investigation into his picks. If any wrong doing is uncovered, believe me, we're gonna send that Krooked Kev and his gang to prison. Jail that Puke!

                                    Krooked Kev for Prison!!!

GG Sees a Conspiracy

To: Go Zone Football League Members

From: Guido Gonzales, IT Director, Go Zone Football League

Re: League Integrity Concerns

Last night's results show an interesting sweep of winning picks from the Deland coterie. In fact, and suspiciously, The Duke of Deland, his wife, the Boss and his son Sanford, all pick the winning Chargers, despite the Chargers pathetic record and losing stats. The rest of the league picked the red hot Broncos, steady winners with their first string quarterback returning.

Very suspicious indeed.

Many league members have contacted our revered leader, The Commish, complaining about the easy success of these "members." The suspicious thing is the rumor that Deland and his co-conspirators have a connection to the "Deland Gang" a despicable group of thugs, criminals and corrupted public officials. The allegations are that the Deland Gang has been giving Deland, the Boss and Sanford the winning picks.

They are crooks, there is no doubt about this. Believe me, they are crooks. And such people should not be allowed to pollute the pristine and ideal atmosphere our esteemed leader has created for the Go Zone.

Our sources say that every game in the NFL is fixed by organized crime and people with access to organized crime individuals can, providing a little encouragement, get the results well before any ball is hiked for every week. There is a vast criminal conspiracy emanating from the casinos of Los Vegas to fix every NFL game for the profits reaped from bettors who are naive and believe that the games are not rigged, who believe that ugly corruption has by-passed the NFL, and who think Santa will bring them nice gifts if they are good.

It is all fixed, many people say, and last night's "winners" have no logic or sense to their startling picks. It is all rigged, and Deland, his wife and his son suspiciously seem to be able to "predict" the startling and unrealistic Thursday night results.

The Commish has promised me an investigation, but no investigation will ever plumb the depths of the guilt of these horrible people. I myself will be making an exhaustive study of every week since the beginning of the league and promise to present startling and incontrovertible proof of their perfidy and betrayal of the league, of the ideal of the Go Zone Football League, and of America.

Guido Gonzales
IT Director, The Go Zone Football League

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 6 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 5 Stats

Monday, October 10, 2016

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Fine 'em!

Fine all the delinquents, I say!

Week 4 Observations

1. POW. The Pick of the Week goes to Diane for her pick of the Rams over the Cardinals. Only she saw that coming. RPOW (Reverse Pick of the Week) goes to Luke for his pick of the Giants over the Vikes on Monday night. Also, Ryan for his pick of the Browns over Skins.

2. The Leaders at the Quarter Pole. Mike and Jo, with 43 points, Judy with 42, Kevin and Nick with 41 and Ed and Marc with 40. Last year, Quarter Pole leaders were Luke with 45 points, Jo and Karen with 43, Ed with 42, and Sean, Brandy and Mike with 40.

3. Best Record, Most Points. Luke and Amy had the best record at 10-5, but Amy prevailed on points with 11. Following her with 10 points were Wayne, Diane, Luke, Kevin, Jo, Ryan and Nick.

4. Prognostication? Despite what Omaha said last week, the Commish's observation that the Saints and the Cubs could not be trusted proved to be wrong this week. Both won, the Saints on the road. But his comment that the Panthers and Cardinals looked shaky held true. Both fell on Sunday, the Cardinals at home.

5. Thanks. The Commish thanks the members who have called and written to him in praise of the new picks portal and the refurbished picks and stats charts design. Guido Gonzales, IT Director, has spent many hours and much energy on these improvements to the Go Zone Football League experience. The SAC has offered GG a three year extension of his contract with the Go Zone, dependent upon members paying their dues.

Week 5 Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the picks chart.

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar:

Create your own user feedback survey

Sunday, October 2, 2016