Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Section 5 Clarity, Brandy's Apology, Omaha's Treachery

Quite a few members have availed themselves of blog authorship privileges, and the Commish feels the need for league office participation in their remarks.

As Omaha correctly notes, the section 5 language is in error. However, a quick look at the SAC's notes for the meeting that accepted that language shows it to be "without" not "with." It seems the IT Department once again incurred errors in transcription while posting to the By-Laws. So, any legal action will still need the Commissioner's blessing. It should be noted that the Commish formally rejected Deland's petition over the weekend, and that the only recourse for Deland is court action if allowed by the Commish.

Brandy's gracious apology was welcomed by the Commish as exemplary of how league members should comport themselves in dealing with the league office and the Commish. Brandy shows good judgment in attacking Deland on his scoundrel ways, luring her into an unfounded and untrue sense that members get extra points for sole winning picks. She would be wise to avoid Deland altogether.

And finally, we hope Brandy and the rest of the league members, sees how fast Omaha can turn on anyone foolish enough to think him an ally. His reckless and rash accusations have more often that not been proven to be complete fabrications. It is more likely than not that he will turn on any league member to advance his own misbegotten goals.

The Commish has spoken.