Saturday, September 26, 2015

Points Disparity, Patriot Haters, Etc

Long time league member Brandy has requested a rationalization of her points total for her impressive Monday night win. Indeed, Brandy is correct that a Monday night win is worth two points. The way the two points is accounted for is she got one point for the win and another point for the Monday night bonus. So, two points in all.

Her second point, that the only person to win on a pick, that is, one person wins the pick and everyone else loses, is worth three points is in error. To the Commish's recollection that was a proposal brought to the Senior Advisory Council (SAC) last year by Deland. The Freedom of Information request by Omaha compels the Commish to make available details from that proposal. As requested, the SAC heard the proposal and voted to adopt it as league policy and amend the league by-laws to reflect that, but the Commish vetoed it when it reached his desk. The reasons he gave was that "it was gimmicky" and "Deland is an idiot."

Suffice to say, the proposal was never made policy.

On the other post from Omaha, the Commish endorses his two major points—one, that Brandy should and did receive two points for her Monday night win, as explained above, and two, that the three point bonus is given a member who picks every game of the week correctly, but does not confer any points for being the only member to pick a winner of a game.

However, the Commish feels it necessary to correct, for the historical record, that although Omaha is indeed "an elder statesman" of the league, he is not one of the founding fathers. That honor goes to the Commish and Deland, who started the league out of a garage mid-way through the season. Omaha joined the following year, under protest from various league members.

As to the Patriot haters, the Commish remind league members that anyone foolish enough to pick against the Pats deserves to lose the pick and the point, but they should not be disparaged in any way for the frivolity of their pick.

The Commish has spoken.