Thursday, September 24, 2015

Investigation of unethical behgavior...

As one of the founding fathers and elder statesman of this fine organization, I must up-hold my responsibility to demand due diligence be initiated at once to settle the perfectly normal and non-offensive request of our sweet Brandy for a recount of her pick points for the games of September 17 thru 28.

Article II, Section 9 clearly states that a member receives an extra point for correctly picking the Monday night game.  Our most respected Brandy correctly picked the Monday night game.

Article II, Section 9 also states a member receives 3 extra points for correctly picking all the week's games.

It appears our Princess Brandy may have erred in claiming 3 extra points for being the sole member to pick a particular game.  But did she?  Extra points for such an accomplishment sounds very familiar.

Has the Communist Commish slipped in a quick and unannounced re-write of the Bylaws to deny our beloved Brandy her due points for excellence in picking winners?

As this is a public forum, I respectfully or otherwise file an official Freedom of Information request for all writings, postings or other information in any form pertaining to the scoring of points for members' picks.  I expect, and the members demand, this information be provided without delay.

I remind the Commish that under Article II, the Commish serves at the will of the members...

The Oracle of Omaha