Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 4 Picks Chart

Create your own user feedback survey

Section 5 Clarity, Brandy's Apology, Omaha's Treachery

Quite a few members have availed themselves of blog authorship privileges, and the Commish feels the need for league office participation in their remarks.

As Omaha correctly notes, the section 5 language is in error. However, a quick look at the SAC's notes for the meeting that accepted that language shows it to be "without" not "with." It seems the IT Department once again incurred errors in transcription while posting to the By-Laws. So, any legal action will still need the Commissioner's blessing. It should be noted that the Commish formally rejected Deland's petition over the weekend, and that the only recourse for Deland is court action if allowed by the Commish.

Brandy's gracious apology was welcomed by the Commish as exemplary of how league members should comport themselves in dealing with the league office and the Commish. Brandy shows good judgment in attacking Deland on his scoundrel ways, luring her into an unfounded and untrue sense that members get extra points for sole winning picks. She would be wise to avoid Deland altogether.

And finally, we hope Brandy and the rest of the league members, sees how fast Omaha can turn on anyone foolish enough to think him an ally. His reckless and rash accusations have more often that not been proven to be complete fabrications. It is more likely than not that he will turn on any league member to advance his own misbegotten goals.

The Commish has spoken.

Week 3 Stats

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Brandy, Brandy...tsk tsk tsk

Sweet Brandy, you must never apologize to our Communist Commissioner, no matter how wrong you might have been. 

This is a serious violation of our code of conduct. 

apology to the commish

I would like to formally apologize for my accusation of the Monday night points.  I apologize that the Commish has a ridiculous way of calculating these totals.  On a separate note, I would like to claim sabotage against Deland.  Just several days before my Jets pick, Kevin reminded me of the extra 3 point rule.  I believe he is trying to sabotage my efforts.  For this I think he should be penalized a point for the spreading of fake rules.  Better yet, just kick him out of the league.  It's not like he will win anyway.

The current favorite of the league...

Part VII, Section 5 clarity

Hmmm, Part VII, Section 5 reads:  No member shall bring litigation against the league or commissioner with the Commissioner's expressed written consent.

As written, members are barred from bring litigation with the Commissioners written consent, but there is no prohibition to bringing said litigation without the Commissioners written consent. 

Clearly, this section contains a typo and should read without the Commissioner's written consent.

Until the SAC meets to correct this typo, there can be no other solution other than temporarily suspending Section 5 of Item VII immediately.

Thus, Deland is free to bring any dumb litigation litigation he chooses.


Deland's Delusions

The Commissioner is disappointed in Deland's latest allegations, rumor-mongering and paranoid fantasies. He categorically denies being in Chicago of official business and indeed did not leave Midway Airport at all. Further, the Commissioner is not living in a house owned by Roger Goodell. Any attempts by Deland further exposes his tenuous grip on reality.

On Deland's other fear-mongering tripe announcement of appealing the Commissioner's decision, any such appeal would be brought before the Commissioner as arbitrator. If Deland indeed wants to file a suit, the Commissioner reminds him of Part VIII, section 5 of the league by-laws: "No member shall bring litigation against the league or the Commissioner with the Commissioner's expressed written consent."

The Commissioner has spoken. 

Week 3 Picks

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Where in the world is the Commish

Another pathetic attempt by the Commish to try and unilaterally operate the league. Last sighting of this nearly deranged left wing liberal was at an airport somewhere in Chicago. Upon further investigation he was found to be headed to a residence somewhere in NH owned by our favorite son Roger Goodell. Who is mentoring who?
That brings me to my next point. I am officially appealing the decision of the Commish to deny me my Patriot point of last week. It will be filed in Minnesota and likely will be transferred out to the State of New York Superior Court to be heard by New England's next hall-of-gamer Judge Berman. The Commish will need all his elves in place because God knows his ducks are not in a row.

Best to all,
Deflated Deland

Points Disparity, Patriot Haters, Etc

Long time league member Brandy has requested a rationalization of her points total for her impressive Monday night win. Indeed, Brandy is correct that a Monday night win is worth two points. The way the two points is accounted for is she got one point for the win and another point for the Monday night bonus. So, two points in all.

Her second point, that the only person to win on a pick, that is, one person wins the pick and everyone else loses, is worth three points is in error. To the Commish's recollection that was a proposal brought to the Senior Advisory Council (SAC) last year by Deland. The Freedom of Information request by Omaha compels the Commish to make available details from that proposal. As requested, the SAC heard the proposal and voted to adopt it as league policy and amend the league by-laws to reflect that, but the Commish vetoed it when it reached his desk. The reasons he gave was that "it was gimmicky" and "Deland is an idiot."

Suffice to say, the proposal was never made policy.

On the other post from Omaha, the Commish endorses his two major points—one, that Brandy should and did receive two points for her Monday night win, as explained above, and two, that the three point bonus is given a member who picks every game of the week correctly, but does not confer any points for being the only member to pick a winner of a game.

However, the Commish feels it necessary to correct, for the historical record, that although Omaha is indeed "an elder statesman" of the league, he is not one of the founding fathers. That honor goes to the Commish and Deland, who started the league out of a garage mid-way through the season. Omaha joined the following year, under protest from various league members.

As to the Patriot haters, the Commish remind league members that anyone foolish enough to pick against the Pats deserves to lose the pick and the point, but they should not be disparaged in any way for the frivolity of their pick.

The Commish has spoken.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Week 3 Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Night Pick

Picks are in.

Investigation of unethical behgavior...

As one of the founding fathers and elder statesman of this fine organization, I must up-hold my responsibility to demand due diligence be initiated at once to settle the perfectly normal and non-offensive request of our sweet Brandy for a recount of her pick points for the games of September 17 thru 28.

Article II, Section 9 clearly states that a member receives an extra point for correctly picking the Monday night game.  Our most respected Brandy correctly picked the Monday night game.

Article II, Section 9 also states a member receives 3 extra points for correctly picking all the week's games.

It appears our Princess Brandy may have erred in claiming 3 extra points for being the sole member to pick a particular game.  But did she?  Extra points for such an accomplishment sounds very familiar.

Has the Communist Commish slipped in a quick and unannounced re-write of the Bylaws to deny our beloved Brandy her due points for excellence in picking winners?

As this is a public forum, I respectfully or otherwise file an official Freedom of Information request for all writings, postings or other information in any form pertaining to the scoring of points for members' picks.  I expect, and the members demand, this information be provided without delay.

I remind the Commish that under Article II, the Commish serves at the will of the members...

The Oracle of Omaha

Oh the humanity...

Now our Commie Commish is insulting our fair ladies?

Is there no end to this despicable behavior?


Who in charge of the scoring?

I would like to first point out that Monday night football is supposed to be worth 2 points.  AND... there is a rule that if one person is the only person who picks the winning team, they should be awarded 3 points.  I believe I only got 1 point for correctly winning the Monday night game.  If the Commish could verify this information.... and hurry up! 

I also would like to point out that each week there is an overview on who did well and who didn't.  However, there were no accolades for my victory this week.  I take this as a personal attack and will not stand for this injustice. 


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Commish "Trumps" Pats Haters

What's all this mumble/jumble the Commish is spewing to try to explain his unexplainable policy regarding Patriots haters?

Our beloved Yogi, rest his soul, could give a clearer explanation.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Week 3 Picks Chart

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 2 Stats


The Commish reminds league members (Omaha) that the GoZone By-Laws do not admit to punishment of members for picks they have made no matter how egregious. Members cannot and should not be stopped from sacrificing points by picking against the Patriots. The league feels that should member want to rashly lose points for no good reason, the only thing that can be legally done is to suggest counseling and/or AA meetings. Rather, we should take pity on the offending and offensive members and hope they regain their sanity and/or sobriety as soon as possible.

The Commish recommends prayer for and from Karen and Kevin.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Shame on Karen & Kevin

These two heinous "K's" waited just one week to show their true colors and pick against the Pats.

Our most respected Communist Commish should consider penalizing both of these heathens.



Sunday, September 20, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015

Warning from the Commish

There has been word from league members that certain factions within the league will attmept to take advantage of the league office's temporary relocation to Nashua, NH. Sources say that the area around Orlando seems to be the hotspot of rebellion, centering on the infamous Duke of Deland.

The Commish, fresh from consultations with the Senior Advisory Council (SAC), issued the following statement:

Any action taken by league members, or any league member generally aware of such actions, will be met with severe and irrevocable consequences.  The standard of such knowledge is if the Commish feels a league member more likely than not knew of, condoned or authored any action threatening the integrity of the league.League members should be cautious around Deland, lest his foul actions despoil all.
The Commish has spoken.

A Somewhat Checkered Start

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday Night


Week 2 Thursday night


Omaha Comes Under League Scrutiny

The Commish has warned Omaha that the Go Zone blog is not the place to discuss his movements. Any further such discussion will be met with a more serious sanction, he explained.

The Commish has spoken.

Temporary Relocation of League Office

The SAC met and unanimously voted to move the office from its winter home in Fort Myers, Fl to Nashua, NH for a two to three week timeline. The move will be taking place this Friday, so the earlier member can get their picks in the better to avoid any glitches.

Omaha has already filled in the week 2 picks chart, and as he accounts for 88% of the glitches, the league and the Commish feel things will be fine.

Omaha's picks are in.

Making my move this week.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Week 2 Picks Chart

Create your own user feedback survey

Week 1 Stats

Omaha's Week 1 Picks

The Commish was confused by the request, as Omaha had expressly forbidden the league to post his picks lest they used to enhance other league member picks. However, the legal department made it clear that Freedom of Information Act mandated the league comply.

So, here are Omaha's 2015 Week 1 picks:

Monday, September 14, 2015

picks accuracy

Hey Commish:  Could you print out (copy) as a message here) my selections in the survey.  I'm pretty sure I picked the Falcons, Titans and 49ers, but the chart shows otherwise.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday Night Picks

I select the Patriots over the Steelers.

Ed, formerly the Ghost.

It begins...

Patriots over Steelers.... obviously.

Your once and future King.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Flipping google

This darn Google never works right! Can't find the monkey. Where is the home office. It must be in Omaha. Jo and I both take the world champion Patriots. Hey, did the Huskers win? Best they start saying their Hail Marys. Best to all this year. Let's clean up the stench coming out of Manchester.


Monday, September 7, 2015

First week's picks

I have made my bold picks.  Please do not publish them so others can copy them.  It's OK for you to peek Commish, you are no threat.


Week 1 2015 Picks Form

Create your own user feedback survey

Omaha Lives!

The good news, or bad news depending upon your point of view, is that Wayne has successfully navigated the insanely dangerous waters (to him) of Google to have the ability to post to the Go Zone.

The Senior Advisory Council met today and voted 3-2 to congratulate Omaha on his recent good fortune.

In other news, the week 1 picks form will be sent out today (Sunday) and league members are reminded that, as usual, there is a Thursday night game.

Defending champion the Ghost has made the commitment to get a google email address and start filling in his own picks forms. With only 4 days left before kick-off, it may be touch and go for his success. The Senior Advisory Council rejected a motion to wish him success by a 4-1 vote.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Let's roll!

As is the case with Tom Brady, it appears for once that I don't begin this season on suspension.