Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week 16 Observations

1. The Champ has overtaken the Cuz by one point. 166 to 165. Lurking 3 points away is the Commish with 163, followed by Kirk with 161, Kevin 160, Kate 158, and newcomer Marc with 157.

2. The Champ is in good position to be the first member to win both the regular season crown and the playoff and Superbowl. He could do all of that in a single season as well.

3. Connecticut Kirk has run into some bad luck recently. After consistently challenging each week, he has seen his average dip the past few weeks. Last week's 8-8 really checked his progress. He is still solidly in contention, however.

4. Son Luke called a few weeks ago and said he saw the stat sheets for the first time and pronounced himself surprised by his low scores. Sine then he has been 11-5, 12-4 and 12-4. When asked how he came to improve he said, "I thought about it more." Solid reasoning, I have no doubt.

5. Pick of the Week goes to Diane for her solitary pick of the Vikings over the Texans. Reverse Pick of the week goes to Kirk for his pick of the Cardinals over the Bears, and Diane for pick of the Eagles over the Redskins and the Chiefs over the Colts.

6. Unanimous choices did very well.  The Falcons, the Panthers, the Pats, the Packers, and the Broncos all won.