Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Greetings from Omaha

My Thursday Night pick:

Cincy over Philly

And now for an update:

Today, Tuesday, 12-12-12, was a banner day!  They did an echo-gram (or whatever they call it) on Angie early this morning, and... HER HEART WAS BEATING NORMAL!!!

They took her down into surgery around 11 AM, and removed a tube inserted into her right groin area, repaired the artery, removed her from life support and brought her back to her room.  She remained heavily sedated all day, but she is on the road to recovery!

They still don't know what caused the heart failure.  They were thinking it was a virus, but now they aren't so sure.  They said with a virus, it would be very unlikely she would recover her heart function so quickly.

They will be doing a lot of testing from her head to her toes trying to find out the cause.

Angie is still having an issue with blood pressure; it wants to jump up radically, but they are now controlling that with medication.  In previous testing they noticed "something unusual" about one of her adrenal glands, perhaps a small mass, possibly a tumor.  They are doing another kind of test in the morning that should give a better picture of it.

But I am cautiously confident the most critical issue, the heart, has been resolved.  As far as I'm concerned, the doctors will eventually determine the cause, treat it, remove it, medicate it, whatever, and hand us back our beautiful daughter.

We will keep you updated as much as we can.

Love you all, and thanks to everyone for your prayers and best wishes.


Cousin/Uncle Wayne