Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Never Too Much Christmas Cheer...

The Cuz put forth some fuzzy math of his own. He wrote: "Patrick was 12-4, whilst I was 10-5.  Since we both picked 16 games, and I clearly picked 11 correctly, I am asking that the commish put down the bottle immediately and correct the standings."

A look at the stat sheet suggests that he didn't supply a pick for the Chargers-Jets game and therefore he wasn't 11-5, but rather 10-5-1, the one being a no pick. Under review, the Cuz did make a pick for the Chargers-Jets game. Unfortunately, it was the Jets, so he is left with a 10-6 week and remains one behind The Champ. 

By the way, because the Cuz picks out of synch with the schedule as presented on the blog mistakes are more prevalent. It is much easier for the central office if members pick from the blog's schedule, as the vast majority of members do.

Here is the latest stat sheet: