Saturday, December 22, 2012

This week's picks from Omaha:

Saturday - Atlanta over Detroit


Packers over Tennessee
Carolina over Oakland
Miami over Buffalo
Pittsburgh over Cincy
Pats over J-Ville
Indy over KC
Saints over Cowboys
Washington over Philly
Tampa Bay over St. Louie
Giants over Baltimore
Houston over Minnesota
Denver over Cleveland
Bears over Arizona
San Francisco over Seattle
Jets over San Diego

Angie was transferred to the Madonna Rehabilitation Facility in Lincoln, NE yesterday.  After she is strong enough to withstand surgery, the doctors will remove her right adrenal gland, which has a tumor and considered the cause of her sudden extreme high blood pressure and heart attack.  The doctors are controlling the blood pressure with medication.

The surgery is expected to take place in 4 to 8 weeks, but knowing Angie and how fast she has recovered, I suspect it will be closer to 4 weeks.  She'll wear out those physical therapists whipping them into as good shape as she is.
