Saturday, January 1, 2011

Play-off Fever

It is apparent that Ed is imaginary. However, I did not realize there was room in the bowels of the government! Nice to see the "Kevin Rule" is as popular to New Englanders as the "Tuck Rule". I fear Kate is out of challenges. There is concern when Marc goes 13-3 though. Hard evidence is difficult to come by when the Commish is brought to his knees with technical difficulties. Don't forget that each playoff game is worth 3 points. Luke wants to know where this team called "Bye" came from! Don't worry Luke, just pick them! A few games this weekend that have little meaning. Could be easily tripped up with some teams electing not to play some starters. No Cuz, you can not apply for some type of leniency due to lineup changes.
That's it from Update Central.

Bro/Cuz/Dad/Uncle Big Kev/Grandpa