Monday, January 10, 2011

Observations from the Commissioner

New Leader! The Commissioner has edged into the points lead with his pick of the Jets over the Colts. “I just thought that if the Colts had such a difficult time beating the Titans at home in a meaningful game for them that they might stumble against the Jets,” he explained. “Besides, the Jets matched up well against their passing attack.” He said he thought the Jets were a better match-up for the Patriots than the Colts. “I really feared playing the Colts, and I’m glad we won’t see them again.”

The Pick of the Week. The Great Kate and the Commissioner share the award for best pick with the Jets over the Colts.

Coin Toss Rules. The winner of the week goes to the Coin Toss, who was 4-0 in its picks.

Poor Pick of the Week. Every owner picked the Saints, who also lost at home recently to a so-so team in a meaningful game. The Patriots played a couple of meaningless games at the end of the season and smoked their opponents. Enough said!

Going Against the Odds.  Upsets ruled the weekend, and the two owners who went with the favorites in each game suffered. Sean and Bran and Ryan picked each favorite to win and were left with a 1-3 week.  On the other hand, Cousin Wayne picked the wrong two teams to produce upsets, leaving him at 0-4.

The Breakdown. The Commish leads with 118, then Kevin with 116, Bran and Ryan with 114, Sean with 113, Mark with 112, Jo with 110,  Wayne with 109, the Great Kate with 108, Easy Ed with 107, and Lucky Luke with 103. The Coin Toss, despite its solid week has only 94 points.