Sunday, January 23, 2011

Conference Championship Final Picks


Bran &Ryan:


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jo's Notes

I'm feeling your pain Mike and had to face many students and teachers at school who "lovingly" felt my pain. Crying towels were handed out, many heads were shaking with shame and, overall, they were quite sympathetic ..... Glad to see you're up and about and, yes, no sports channels were turned on in this house either.

Well, as far as Uncle Ed is concerned, at least he'll be ready to "blog" next year if he can remember the process over the Red Sox season.

I'm hoping for some positive point postings in my column this week so as to hang in the top half of leaders.... but not sure if I can even watch the games without having the Pats playing.

Yours in the GO-Zone -- Jo
Jo's Picks for tomorrow ... still in a bit of funk with last week's results of the beloved Pat's loss...


Pats oooops I mean the Steelers (cry, cry)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What apocalypse?


Pitchers and Catchers report Feb 14th. Good luck!

Commissioner's Report on the Apocalypse

Kevin Back in the Lead. Kevin surged back into the points lead with 125 points, followed closely by the Commish with 124, Sean with 122 and Bran and Ryan with 120.  Jo has 119, Wayne and Marc 118, Kate 114, Ed 113 and Luke 112. Coin Toss has 87.

Playoff Casualties. Wayne and Bran and Ryan are both 3-5 in the playoffs and it has hurt their chances overall, although each were close at the end of the regular season. Kind of like the Pats and the Falcons.

The Commissioner's Health. The Commissioner took the Pats lost badly, falling into clinical depression. He got hammered Sunday during and after the game, slept until noon on Monday, got up for some coffee, then went back to bed. He slept until 5, got up for a nightcap, then went back to bed. On Tuesday he was able to stay awake for 8 hours before going back to bed at 5:30 in the evening. On doctor orders, he has not read any reports of the game, viewed any sports channels, or listened to any discussion of the game. Doctors feel he will need a month or so before he can get back to his regular daily routine. Until then, owners are requested to refrain from mentioning anything about the game, the Patriots or the J****.  He has also changed his answer machine welcome to "I don't want to talk about it."

Ed Has an Epiphany. Owner Ed was communicating with the Commissioner recently when he complained that something called the "GO Zone" was flooding him with email and it took him a long time to erase them all. The Commissioner informed him that the Go Zone was the official blog of the owners' league. After a long silence he said, "Oh." He then claimed he would attempt to join the blog, but may need some help, which the Commissioner's office provides. However, he has not communicated since then, so who knows. Wayne has also indicated he will make another attempt at joining. Neither Marc nor Luke have attempted to, but then again neither ever checks his email or empties his voice mailbox.

Conference Championship Weekend Schedule

Here it is.

Packers at Da  Bears

Steelers at Patriots   Jets at Steelers

Monday, January 17, 2011


You have the most wins just like the Patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's playoff time!!


That was the poorest game management of the season. Belichick must have fallen asleep. How can you run the ball six of eight plays and spend six minutes getting zero points when you are behind in the last quarter????? And how about going back to huddle after each play like they had all kinds of time! No sense of urgency. As bad as the passing game was, they needed a quick strike somewhere. The coverage was good and Brady had some time but kept passing short. The offense let them down.
Scott says he is in the pool next year because he has picked them all correct on his own this year! Another southerner who makes no sense!!

Go Celtics
Spring training next month
Bro/Dad/Uncle Big Kev/Grandpa/Cuz

Division Round Results and Stats

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Bran & Bran:


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Division Round Schedule

Ravens at Steelers  (4:30)
Packers at Falcons  (8:00)

Seahawks at Bears  (1:00)
Jets at Patriots  (4:30)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Observations from the Commissioner

New Leader! The Commissioner has edged into the points lead with his pick of the Jets over the Colts. “I just thought that if the Colts had such a difficult time beating the Titans at home in a meaningful game for them that they might stumble against the Jets,” he explained. “Besides, the Jets matched up well against their passing attack.” He said he thought the Jets were a better match-up for the Patriots than the Colts. “I really feared playing the Colts, and I’m glad we won’t see them again.”

The Pick of the Week. The Great Kate and the Commissioner share the award for best pick with the Jets over the Colts.

Coin Toss Rules. The winner of the week goes to the Coin Toss, who was 4-0 in its picks.

Poor Pick of the Week. Every owner picked the Saints, who also lost at home recently to a so-so team in a meaningful game. The Patriots played a couple of meaningless games at the end of the season and smoked their opponents. Enough said!

Going Against the Odds.  Upsets ruled the weekend, and the two owners who went with the favorites in each game suffered. Sean and Bran and Ryan picked each favorite to win and were left with a 1-3 week.  On the other hand, Cousin Wayne picked the wrong two teams to produce upsets, leaving him at 0-4.

The Breakdown. The Commish leads with 118, then Kevin with 116, Bran and Ryan with 114, Sean with 113, Mark with 112, Jo with 110,  Wayne with 109, the Great Kate with 108, Easy Ed with 107, and Lucky Luke with 103. The Coin Toss, despite its solid week has only 94 points.

Wildcard Weekend Results and Stats


Cuz Alert! Cuz Alert! There seems to have been a blackout in Gayleburg Ill. this week-end! Commish, I'm sure you must have mis-read cuz's picks!!! That is all I can think could have happened.

Go Pats
Bro/Cuz/Dad/Grandpa/Uncle Big Kev

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

wild card picks

Bran & Ryan:


Monday, January 3, 2011

Adding up

Some people need to just add their own score and let the Commish take care of the others. To actually think the Commish and Bro colluded is absolute fantasy! I think poopy diapers are affecting someone's ability to maintain what civility she had left! Poor Ryan!
Jo had a solid week and the hunt is on! As Patrick Chung once said " Give me the Pats or give me death". I think we need to be proactive and be ready to toss Cuz out of the pool if the Super Bowl is NE vs. Chicago. I don't think he can take the pressure or the results! It would be for his own good health. Two 10-6 teams out and a 7-9 division-winner in!! How bad is that. Somebody tell Ed to pick the Pats to beat "Bye" this week. I think Pittsburgh may advance too but don't let Marcus know that.

Playoff-bound Bro/Dad/Uncle Big Kev/Grandpa

Observations from the Commissioner, Week 17

We have a New Leader! Bran and Ryan are our new leaders with 111 points, followed closely by Sean and Kevin with 110 and Mike and Wayne with 109. Jo had the best week at 11-5 bringing her to 107. Mark follows with 106, then Ed with 101, Luke with 100 and Kate with 99. The Coin Toss is a pathetic 72.

Picks of the Week.  Wayne was prescient with his Cowboys pick over the Eagles. Equally so Sean with his Raiders pick over the Chiefs and the Commissioner with his Texans pick over the Jags. But the Pick of the Week officially goes to JoJo with Seahawks over the Rams. Bravo JoJo!!

Conventional Ignorance. Not one owner picked the Bucs over the Saints. Only one picked the Raiders, the Cowboys, the Texans, and the Seahawks.

Conventional Wisdom. Everyone picked the Pats (even Ed), the Ravens, the Steelers, the Falcons, and the Colts. All but one picked the Jets. All but a few picked the Chargers, the Giants, and the Pack.

An Impressive Season. Kevin and I have discussed how well the owners have been doing. Each owner has a strong winning percentage, and we are within 12 points of each other going into the playoffs. Both of us are impressed with that.

Week 17 Results and Stats

Bye Weekend Schedule

Saturday, Jan. 8
NFC: Saints at Seahawks 

AFC: Jets at Colts

Sunday, Jan. 9 

AFC: Ravens at Chiefs
NFC: The Pack at Eagles

Winning Picks will receive 3 points each.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

week 17 pix



Play-off Fever

It is apparent that Ed is imaginary. However, I did not realize there was room in the bowels of the government! Nice to see the "Kevin Rule" is as popular to New Englanders as the "Tuck Rule". I fear Kate is out of challenges. There is concern when Marc goes 13-3 though. Hard evidence is difficult to come by when the Commish is brought to his knees with technical difficulties. Don't forget that each playoff game is worth 3 points. Luke wants to know where this team called "Bye" came from! Don't worry Luke, just pick them! A few games this weekend that have little meaning. Could be easily tripped up with some teams electing not to play some starters. No Cuz, you can not apply for some type of leniency due to lineup changes.
That's it from Update Central.

Bro/Cuz/Dad/Uncle Big Kev/Grandpa