Thursday, September 13, 2018

Observations from Week 1

1. Pick of the Week. The POW goes to Diane who was the only one to pick the Jets over the Lions. And it was not a squeaker. How the rest of us believed in the Lions is a mystery, but my guess is it won't be repeated. The big question is was it because the Jets are so good, or was it because the Lions are so bad. We'll see.

2. Winners of the Week. Both Peg and Ryan scored 13 points for the week. They had the same picks for each game. Guido wants to start an investigation, saying they were trying to illegally take the Commish's title away from him, but the Commish called on his better angels to hold his investigation until more evidence was generated.

3. The Turd in the Room. Let's face it, Luke, also known as Peterborough even though he no longer lives in Peterborough, deigned to pick against the Pats this week. You can imagine the horror that befell the Commish as a person allegedly his flesh and blood did such a short-sighted, despicable, cowardly, depraved act in full view of all members of the league. Guido insists on a dna test to prove his relationship to the Commish, and other members have called the central office demanding punishment, ex-communication, and even a flogging. However, as painful as it was for the Commish, picking against the Pats is technically permissible, even if it is all but suicide for the person who does. Three years ago, Big Red picked against the Pats four times, lost all four times, and at the end of the season was four points out of the lead. If people want to throw points away, we must let them engage in such dangerous activity. So our thoughts and prayers go out to the troubled Luke, hoping he can get the counseling he so obvioiusly needs.