Saturday, September 29, 2018

Jude and Rolls Show the Way

Jude the Prude and Rolls have shown what can be accomplished when people cooperate and work for the common good. Jude's rough and sarcastic treatment by Omahahahahahahaha should be shocking, but alas it is not. Jude should be admired for her calm acceptance of the unfortunate fate of having such a relative.

One wonders what Omahahahahaha or Deland would react if they sent money and did not get credit for it. I can only imagine the nasty accusations that would flow from these two. Yet Rolls calmly notified the Commish using the blog correctly. A short investigation revealed that the link I published was correct and working, and Rolls accepted that and re-sent her dues using the PayPal link.

Such civilized cooperation is the ideal of the league. One hopes that Omahahahahaha and Deland see the error of their ways and joins the community in joy and good will.

The Commish