Saturday, December 9, 2017

Climb down from the ledge...

As senior member of the Senior Advisory Council (I have been awake and lucid longer than The Ghost) it falls to me the job of calming down our over-the-top hysterical Commissioner.

The world isn't coming to an end.  What we have here is a failure to communicate.

A respected member of our fraternity/sorority has chosen to pick the Patriots to lose this week.  This nameless person has been assailed by the Commish as being, among other things, unpatriotic, of low intelligence, rebellious and (heh) "disloyal to the Commish."

"Nameless" is merely exercising his or her right to freedom of choice, expression and speech.  These rights aren't conditional on the Commish's approval.  This independence is necessary to win the Millie and/or Chappie award.

The Commish, is trying to quash this right!

This should be no surprise to anyone paying even the slightest attention to the hypocrisy of the Commish's rules and regulations governing the Go-Zone.

No one makes a mockery of these rules more than the Commish himself.  The Commish has decreed all of us must have our picks into his office prior to the kickoffs on Thursday & Sunday.  We are not allowed to see or inquire about other's picks before making our own.

Now, at first glance, this seems reasonable to protect integrity and fairness.  But is it?  Is there an ulterior motive for this rule?  What about the Commish?  He gets to see EVERYONE'S picks before making his own.

I propose that someone be assigned to keep an eye on the Commish.  The Commish's puppet, Guido, is disqualified from this chore.

I have some ideas on how to implement this system, but I am soliciting each of you to weight in with your thoughts.

Protecting your rights,
