Monday, December 18, 2017

An Historic Week? and Other Observations

1. Peg Grandmaison is closing in on a historic week for the Go Zone. She is currently 15-0 and needs only the Falcons to beat the Bucs to go 16-0 for the first time in league history. She would also claim the Most Points in a Week title. Previously this year, in week 8, Kirk had a perfect score, but it was a 13 game week. Similarly, Sean and Kyle had a perfect score in week 11 of 2012, but that was a 14 game week. Peg would assure that she would always be tied for first in the most points in a week division.

2. Congrats to Wayne's Corn Husker Volleyball team. His enthusiasm is infectious as he chronicles the exploits of his favorite college volleyball team. Hopefully this will occupy Omaha's time and get him away from conspiracy stories about the Commish cheating on his picks. I didn't hear that last year when I was last in the league, but with success this year comes the usual cheap shots and casual insults. Omaha's logic dictates that two weeks ago I copied Peg and this week I copied Patrick. Not mentioned is that with 19 members some duplication will appear quite often, especially on weeks where there are heavy favorites. But conspiracy theorists like Omaha seldom see logic as an impediment to their contorted views of reality.

3. The League is tightening. Last week saw a four way tie at the top between Ed, Mike, Kev and Marcus, an interesting group. The Force is strong with them. Also knocking on the door are Lindsey and Kirk, both only one point behind and Luke with 2 points behind. It should be an exciting finish, although that distinction will probably stay with Luke's Millie trophy of 2015 which went down to the last play of the last game of the the regular season.